2017-2018 Year In Review
By the Numbers
- 115,705 Library Visitors
- 17,962 Items Circulated
- 16,232 Reserve Items Borrowed
- 344 Titles Ordered
- 972 General Info and Research Questions Answered
Instruction & Instructional Technology
Faculty Lightning Talk Presenters Heather Vilvens, Sonja Andrus and Wendy Calaway
- Taught 107 library instruction classes reaching 1,752 students
- Talked with 3,287 incoming new students and guests at 23 resource fairs for the college orientation program
- Taught 4 library workshops to students ranging from elementary to high school as part of college's UC Smiles program
- Taught 1 faculty/staff/student workshop; Hosted 2 info sessions and 1 event for faculty and staff
- Created 2 new tutorials; 3 new modules
Strategic Planning
We aspire to create meaningful connections through collaboration and creativity, inclusive spaces, and diverse experiences that build confidence and learning that will last a lifetime.
The UCBA Library began work on a Needs Assessment project in Spring 2017. Goals include:
- Assess faculty knowledge and perception of library services/support via a Faculty Survey
- Pilot a Research Intake Survey to assess student research question trends and resources sought
Faculty & Staff Highlights
Elizabeth Sullivan, Library Operations Manager
Elizabeth Sullivan Joins the UCBA Library Staff
In July 2017, the UCBA Library team welcomed Elizabeth Sullivan as the new Library Operations Manager. Elizabeth manages the daily operations of the library to ensure high quality service and support for faculty, staff and students. Elizabeth has been a great addition to our team!
Kellie Tilton, Michelle McKinney and Heather Maloney at the ALAO Conference
UCBA Librarians attend and present at the Academic Library Association of Ohio Conference
Kellie Tilton co-presented Flipped Classroom is an Inclusive Classroom: Accessibility in Online Content with Rebecca Leporati.
Heather Maloney and Michelle McKinney co-facilitated a Transforming Diversity Roundtable at the ALAO 2017 Conference.
Christian Boyles, UCBA Library Collection Services Manager (5th from left)
Christian Boyles, Collection Services Manager
Christian Boyles attended the 37th Charleston Conference in Charleston, SC. He also participated in UC’s university-wide, service day, UC Serves.
Kellie Tilton and Rebecca Leporati at the EduLearn Conference in Barcelona, Spain
Kellie Tilton, Instructional Technologies Librarian
Kellie presented at EduLearn International Conference, Council on International Educational Exchange Annual Conference, and International Conference on e-Learning and Innovative Pedagogies. She also attended the American Library Association midwinter and annual conferences in Denver, CO and New Orleans, LA, fulfilling her role on the Alex Award Committee.
Lauren Wahman
Lauren Wahman, Information Literacy & Instruction Services Librarian
Lauren and three faculty from the UCBA English & Communication Department co-authored the peer-reviewed article, Supporting Source Integration in Student Writing, in the International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. She also attended the 46th Annual LOEX Conference in Houston, TX.
Michelle McKinney with Spectrum Scholars at ALA (front, second from right)
Michelle McKinney, Reference & Web Services Librarian
Michelle co-presented two Bullet Journaling workshops with UCBA Library colleague Kellie Tilton. She also participated in UC Serves and attended the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in New Orleans.