Greek Journal Repository
Ἑρμῆς ὁ Λόγιος / Hermēs ho logios Viennē tēs Aoustrias, ek tēs typographias tou Iō Varthol. Tzvekiou. 11 v. 22 cm Semimonthly 1811-[maïou 1] 1821. The first journal published in Modern Greek and important for the Greek Enlightenment. It was printed in Vienna from 1811 to 1821 and was intended as a channel of communication among Greek intellectuals of the Ottoman Empire and the diaspora communities in Western Europe. It was closed down by Austrian authorities in the beginning of the War of Independence. The journal was said to have played a role in its inception. Hermes o Logios was published on January 1, 1811, under the full title Ἑρμῆς ὁ Λόγιος, ἥ Φιλολογικαί Ἀγγελίαι with the support of the Philological Society in Bucharest. Editors: 1811-1814, Anthimos Gazēs.--1816-1819, Theoklētos Pharmakidēs (with Kōnstantinos Kokkinakēs)--1819-1821, Kōnstantinos Kokkinakēs.
Greek Journal Collection of the University of Michigan (HathiTrust)
Greek Journal Collection of Harvard University (HathiTrust) (note that there is no certain method of limiting to institution in HathiTrust. One can try by using the name of the institution along with "Modern Greek" as keywords and limiting the search to journals and before a certain date). Harvard has also digitized the following journals for the GDJA.
- Title (uniform): Siōn (Athens, Greece)
- Published: En Athēnais : [s.n., 1881-1889]; Etos 1, ar. 1, (7 Ian. 1881)-etos 9, ar. 409 (26 Ioul. 1889).
- Description: 9 v. ; 39 cm.; Frequency note: Weekly
- Series / collection: Greek digital journal archive project at Harvard University
- Language: Greek, Modern (1453-)
- Notes: Title from caption.
- Subjects: Orthodoxos Ekklēsia tēs Hellados -- Periodicals
- Creation Date: 1881-1889]
- HOLLIS number: 990001641220203941
- Permalink:
- Source: HVD - Core
- Title (uniform): Kosmos (Alexandria, Egypt)
- Variant title: Cosmos Alexandrie
- Published: Alexandreia : [Publisher unknown]
- Description: volumes ; 28 cm; Frequency note: Biweekly
- Series / collection: Greek digital journal archive project at Harvard University
- Summary: Biweekly journal covering research, literature, and the arts published for Greeks living in Alexandria, Egypt. Edited by Ar. K. Drakopoulos and A. Hieronymides.
- Language: Greek, Modern (1453-)
- Notes: "Periodikon syngramma-ekdidomenon kata dekapenthēmeron."; Source of description: 1-14 Ianouariou 1907 (etos IV', periodos ST', arith. 1); Latest issue consulted: 15 Dekemvriou 1908 (etos ID', arith. 24)
- Subjects: Greeks -- Egypt -- Periodicals; Literature, Modern -- 20th century -- Periodicals; History, Modern -- 20th century -- Periodicals
- Form / genre: Periodicals
- Creation Date: 1896-
- HOLLIS number: 990127667610203941
- Permalink:
- Source: HVD - Core
- Other search terms: Ethnology -- Greece; Mediterranean race
- Attribution: Ekdidomena en Parisiois kai syntassomena hypo I. Isidōridou Skylissē.
- Published: Parisiois, para tō ekdotē, 1868-1869.
- Description: 2 v. in 1. illus. 30 cm.
- Series / collection: Greek digital journal archive project at Harvard University
- Language: Greek, Modern (1453-)
- Notes: Romanized record.; Ekdidomena kai syntassomena hypo I.Isidōridou Skylissē.
- Author / Creator: Skylitses, Ioannes Isidorides, 1819-1890 [ed]
- Creation Date: 1868-1869
- HOLLIS number: 990072566320203941
- Permalink:
- Source: HVD - Core
Asmodaios : ephēmeris kōmikē
- Vernacular title: Ασμοδαιος : εφημερις κωμικη
- Published: Εν Αθηναις : Τυποις Ελληνικης Ανεξαρτησιας; En Athēnais : Typois Hellēnikēs Anexartēsias
- Description: volumes ; 31 cm; Frequency note: Weekly
- Series / collection: Greek digital journal archive project at Harvard University
- Language: Greek, Modern (1453-)
- Notes: Publication run weekly from January 5, 1875 to August 25, 1885 with a break between July 11, 1876 and August 16, 1876.; "Weekly comic newspaper with cartoons by Themos Anninos, who illustrated through caricatures, Greece's transformation into a European State after the dominance of the Ottoman Empire"--Vendor note.; Source of description: Etos A', arithm. 1, Janouarios 5, 1875.; Latest issue consulted: Etos Z', arith. 342, Augoustos 26, 1885.
- Subjects: Athens (Greece) -- Newspapers; Greece -- Newspapers; Greece -- Politics and government -- 19th century -- Humor; Greece -- Politics and government -- 19th century -- Newspapers; Greece -- Politics and government -- 19th century -- Comic books, strips, etc
- Form / genre: Newspapers
- Place: Hierarchical: Greece -- Athens
- Author / Creator: Αννινος, Θεμος, 1845-1916.; Ροιδης, Εμμανουηλ Δ., 1835-1904.; Anninos, Themos, 1845-1916; Rhoidēs, Emmanouēl D., 1835-1904
- Creation Date: 1875-1885.
- HOLLIS number: 990105756710203941
- Permalink:
- Source: HVD - Core
Ho mentōr: Syngramma periodikon met' eikonōn ekdidomenon dis tou mēnos ana dyo typographika phylla
- Attribution: hypo tōn adelph. Grēgoriadōn tē sympraxei D. Charikleous, M.D. Seizanē kai allōn logiōn.
- Published: Smyrnē, typ. Nikolaou A. Damianou.; t. 1-5; 1869-1874.
- Description: 5 v. illus. 29 cm.
- Series / collection: Greek digital journal archive project at Harvard University
- Language: Greek, Modern (1453-)
- Notes: Romanized record.; Subtitle varies.; Tomoi 4-5 include Ho Pythagoras, tomos 1-2 (1872-74)
- Creation Date: 1869-1874.
- HOLLIS number: 990072566440203941
- Permalink:
- Source: HVD - Core
Historic Journal Collection of E.L.I.A. (Το Ελληνικό Λογοτεχνικό και Ιστορικό Αρχείοn), Athens
Historic Newspaper Collection of the National Library of Greece (Εθνική Βιβλιοθήκη της Ελλάδος), Athens
Historic Journal Collection of the University of Patras, Πλειάς and Κοσμόπολις
Historic Newspaper Collection of Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Psifiothiki
Historic Journal Collection+ of Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Psifiothiki
Historic Journal Collection+ of the University of Crete, Anemi (one can limit to periodicals and newspapers as well as to date ranges in the advanced search module)
Greek Journal Collection of the John Miller Burnam Classics Library, University of Cincinnati Several of the journals below are now available: ONLINE ACCESS
- Αγάπη, et.1 (1893)-et. 5 (1897)
- Αθηνά: Σύγγραμμα περιοδικόν της εν Αθήναις Επιστημονικής Εταιρείας, et. 1-82 (1889-1999)
1934 is available in Anemi, database of the library of the University of Crete: - Αναμόρφωσις, et.1-6 (1899-1904)
- Ο Αριστοτέλης, et. 1 arith. 1-10 (1910-1911)
- Αστήρ του Πόντου et. 2 (1886) Available in Psifiothiki.
- Αστραπή, et. 1, arith. 1-7, et. 2, arith. 121 (1894-1895)
- Βιβλιογραφικόν δελτίον ελληνικής φιλολογίας, et. 1 (1872)
- Γαληνός, et. 1-arith. 19) (1878-1897)
- Γενική Εφημερίς της Ελλάδος, et.1-4 (1825-1829)
- Γεωργική εφεμερις ετ. 1-2 (1869-1870)
- Δελτίον της εν Αλμυρώ Φιλαρχαίου Εταιρείας της Όθρυος, t. 1-6 (1899-1901, 1903, 1906) Several issues are available in Anemi:
- Δικαιοσύνη, et. 1-2 (1866-1868)
- Δικαστικά χρονικά, et. 1-3 (1877-1880)
- Εθνικός κήρυξ, et. 2 (1916), 4-15 (1918-1929), 17-18 (1931-1932)
- Ελλάς : εικονογραφημένη δισεβδομαδιαία επιθεώρησις, έτοι 1-7 (1907-1914)
- Ελληνικά Χρονικά, et. 1-3 (1824-1826) Available in Psifiothiki—1826 for example:
- Ελληνισμός, et. 1 (1880-1881)
- Επισημος στρατιωτική εφεμηρίς του ετους, εt. 1-9 (1872)
- Ευαγγελική σάλπιγξ, et.1 (1834-1835); 1836- is available through NLG's Olympias repository.
- Εφημερίς Νομική, et. 1-20 (1837-1857)
- Εφημερίς των Φιλομαθών, Φιλολογική, Εκκλησιαστική και Δημοσίας Εκπαιδεύσεως, et. 25-28 (1878-1881)
- Θησαυρός, εβδομαδιαίον εγκυκλοπαιδικόν περιοδικόν, arith. 2-75 (1922 -1924)
- Θρακική Επετηρίς, et. 1 (1897) Some issues are available in Anemi.
- Izv︠i︡esti︠i︡a na Bŭlgarskoto arkheologichesko druzhestvo = Bulletin de la Société archéologique bulgare, t. 1-7 (1910-1920)
- Izvesti︠i︡a na Bu̐lgarski︠i︡a arkheologicheski institut = Bulletin de l'Institut archéologique bulgare, t. 1-9 (1921-1935) Now:¨Известия на Националния археологически институт / Izvestija na Nacionalnija arkheologicheski institut).
- Κήρυγμα Εφεμηρίς των Χριστοκρατικκών αρχών, et.1-6 (1878-1884)
- Ο Κόσμος Σύγγραμμα περιοδικόν, et. 1-3 (1883-1884)
- Ο Λόγος, et.1-3 (1868-1871)
- Μαλεβός, arith. 1-6 (1920: Oct.-26: Sept.)
- Μαστίγιον Κυπριακόν σατυρικόν φύλλον, et. 1-11 (1911-1921)
- Νέον κήρυγμα, et.1-5 (1884-1888)
- Νομική Μέλισσα ήτοι Συλλογή των σπουδαιοτέρων αποφάσεων του εν Αθήναις Εφετείου, et.1-6 (1858-1864)
- Νομολογία των Πολιτικών και Εμπορικών Αποφάσεων του Ανωτάτου Συμβουλίου της Δικαιοσυνης (1853-1860)
- Ονήσανδρος: Εφημερίς του κατά ξηράν και θάλασσαν Στρατού, et. 1-2 (1864-65+ Suppl.) 1865 issues available in Anemi:
- Ο Παιδαγωγός, et. 1 (1839)
- Το Περιοδικόν του Αναγνωστηρίου Σμύρνης, et. 1-2, no. 1 (1871-1872)
- The Philhellenic Banner, et. 1 (1853-1854)
- Ποδηλατική και Αθλητική Επιθεώρηση της Ανατολής, et. 1-2 (1898-1900)
- Προμηθεύς: περιοδικόν εκδιδόμενον κατά μήνα κύκλος/ser. 1, et. 1-2 (1889-1891), κύκλος/ser. 2 et. 9 (1897) & κύκλος/ser. 2 et. 11 (1899)
- Πυθαγόρας, et. 1-2 (1882-1883), n.p. et. 110 (1923-1932)
- Σιών (1881-1889)
- Φάρος εικονογραφημένον et. 1-4 (1909-1912)
- Η Χαραυγή του ανθρωπισμού φιλολογικόν και κοινωνιολογικόν. et. 1 (1921) - et. 3 (1923)
- Χλώρις, et. 1 (1879)
- Ο χρόνος, et. 3-4 (1864-1865)
Greek Newspaper Collection of the Tsakopoulos Hellenic Collection, California State University, Sacramento (in progress)
Greek Journal Collection of Princeton University (in progress)
Greek Journal Collection of King's College London (in progress)
Historic Journal Collection of the Gennadius Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (in progress)
Greek Journal Collection of the Library of Congress (in progress)
By R. Lindau