

The mission of the UC Libraries is to empower discovery, stimulate learning and inspire the creation of knowledge by connecting students, faculty, researchers and scholars to dynamic data, information and resources.

In order to provide appropriate library environments for all library users, the following policies have been developed. Persons who do not abide by these policies will be asked to leave the libraries. Campus Police will assist as needed. Repeated or particularly egregious offenses may result in being banned from all UC Libraries. Patrons whose offenses result in being banned from all UC Libraries will be notified in writing with the offenses enumerated. An appeal can be made to the Dean and University Librarian within five days of notification. The decision of the Dean and University Librarian is final.


No animals are allowed in the libraries other than those assisting persons with disabilities.

Cell Phones, Pagers and other Audio Devices

Cell phones and pagers should be set to silent or vibrate when in the library in consideration of other library users. Patrons talking on a cell phone may be asked to go to an area where the conversation would be less distracting to others or to leave the library. Headsets must be used for any audio listening while using University of Cincinnati Libraries. Audio devices should be played at a reasonable level that does not disturb others. (Cell phone use is prohibited in the Archives and Rare Books Library and the John Miller Burnam Classics Library).

Children and Minors

Children under the age of 14 who are not registered UC students must be accompanied by an adult. Adults who bring children into the library are responsible for monitoring their activities and regulating their behavior. A UC ID or a photo ID may be required to verify age or student status. If a parent or guardian cannot be located, Campus Police may be contacted. University of Cincinnati Libraries does not filter content from the Internet. Parents and other adult care-providers should be aware that allowing minors to have unsupervised access to electronic resources and the Internet could result in their access to information or images that parents may find inappropriate for their children. State and federal laws and university computer use regulations apply in the Libraries. Unaccompanied minors needing assistance with government information or government publications should contact the Government Document staff prior to visiting the library.

Circulation of Library Materials

To learn about more about using the library, including what materials you can access and how to borrow them, visit the Borrowing page.

Remember that removing or attempting to remove library materials or property without following standard check-out procedures or other authorization is prohibited.


Appropriate dress is required. Shirts and shoes must be worn in the libraries.

Computer Use

Library computers are provided primarily for the use of the UC community. Certain computers in each library are available for community users and some may have time limits. State and federal laws and university computer use regulations apply in the libraries. See for example, the Acceptable Use of Electronic Information Resources Policy.

As a Federal Depository Library, the University of Cincinnati Libraries provides free access for the general public to the U.S. government publications collection, including through online resources. By using a community user accessible computer, the general public can view both online and locally held government information for free during all hours the library is open.

Headsets must be used for any audio listening while using University of Cincinnati Libraries. Audio devices should be played at a reasonable level that does not disturb others.

Confidentiality of Patron Information

The University of Cincinnati Libraries are committed to protecting patron confidentiality in accordance with the American Library Association's Code of Ethics (below 1) and the State of Ohio's Patron Confidentiality Laws (below 2). Patron information includes: all information on the patron circulation record; any patron information kept in any other paper, microfilm or computer log or file; and, any information about a patron's request for information.

  1. The American Library Association's Code of Ethics states: "We protect each library user's right to privacy and confidentiality with respect to information sought or received and resources consulted, borrowed, acquired, or transmitted."
  2. Ohio's Patron Confidentiality Laws states: "'Library record' means a record in any form that is maintained by a library and that contains any of the following types of information: (a) information that the library requires an individual to provide in order to be eligible to use library services or borrow materials; (b) information that identifies an individual as having requested or obtained specific materials or materials on a particular subject; (c) information that is provided by an individual to assist a library staff member to answer a specific question or provide information on a particular subject."

Disruptive Behavior

Disruptive behavior that unreasonably interferes with the use and enjoyment of the library by students, faculty and staff of the University or other patrons is prohibited. Examples include:

  • Creating unreasonable noise
  • Harassment of others, including verbal or physical attack or other conduct with intent to annoy other patrons
  • Odor constituting a nuisance or health and safety concern
  • Bringing in personal belongings not essential to the research undertaking (bedrolls, carts, frame backpacks, large duffel bags, bicycles)
  • Behavior that unreasonably disturbs others or interferes with the appropriate use of the facility, including inappropriate sexual behavior


In the event of fire, severe weather, power outages, or other emergency situations, library staff, Public Safety staff, or a public emergency announcement will alert building occupants to the procedures for evacuation or taking shelter. All fire alarms require immediate exit by all building occupants.

Filming and Photography

UC students, faculty, and staff may film/photograph for academic use in the libraries provided that they do not photograph users without permission or cause a disruption. Others wishing to film/photograph in the libraries (i.e. the Media) must be approved to do so by Library Administration (513-556-1558) or an appropriate library administrator provided no users are photographed without permission and no disturbance is created.

Food and Drink

Policies on food and drink vary in our library facilities.

In most UC Library locations, food and beverages in covered containers (i.e. bottled water, travel mugs, sodas, coffee cups with lids, thermoses, etc.) are permitted in the library. Use extra care at the computers. If you spill anything, please clean up and notify someone at a public service desk if you need assistance.

Exceptions: Food and beverages are not permitted in the following areas:

  • Library classrooms and the Computer Lab in the Donald C. Harrison Health Sciences Library
  • Archives and Rare Books Library
  • Henry R. Winkler Center for the History of the Health Professions
  • John Miller Burnam Classics Library
  • College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Library Reading Room

Those not complying with these policies will be asked to dispose of their food and/or beverage or leave the building.


  • A UC ID or a valid photo ID may be requested at any time to verify age, status or affiliation.
  • A UC ID or a valid photo ID is required for entry into Langsam Library after The Desk closes.

Langsam Library Instruction Rooms 462 and 475

  • Langsam Library instruction rooms 462 and 475 are for library instruction purposes only.

Library Materials, Equipment, Facilities, and Furniture

Misuse of library materials, equipment, facilities, and furniture is prohibited. The following are examples of prohibited actions:

  • Destruction, mutilation, misuse or defacement of any library materials, furniture, or facilities
  • Damaging of hardware or equipment
  • Tampering with software or changing equipment settings

Literature Distribution and Posting/Advertising

Public bulletin boards are located throughout campus for posting. One is located in the outer lobby of the 4th floor of the Walter C. Langsam Library.

Bulletin boards within Langsam Library are for posting UC material only.

Questions about posting materials in the libraries should be referred to Library Administration (513-556-1558) or College and Departmental Library Department Heads. Inappropriate materials will be removed.

Skateboards, Skates, Scooters, and Bicycles

The University of Cincinnati is a pedestrian campus acclaimed for its landscape, hardscape, and open areas. The university's sustainability initiatives are supportive of students navigating campus via bicycles, skateboards, in-line skates, scooters, and other personal mobility devices.

However, bicycles, skateboards, in-line skates, and scooters are for transportation on and across campus only. They are not permitted inside any library facility and should be stored or chained outside of the libraries. 

(See the Bicycle-Skateboard-and Other Similar Device Policy in the University of Cincinnati Use of Facilities Policy Manual.) 


Soliciting or accosting patrons or staff for any purpose is prohibited.

Questions regarding these rules may be directed to the Library Administration (513) 556-1515.

Approved by MC December 7, 2011    Edited November 29, 2023