
CECH Library Highlights

In alignment with our mission to provide access to library resources, high-quality instruction and excellent facilities in support of the College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services, we always have good news to share. See below for quick access to up-to-date information from our blog on library collections, services, and spaces

People sitting in chairs

CECH Library LiBlog

Learn more this fall with CECH Library 

CECH Library is excited to announce our workshop offerings for the Fall 2024 semester. Workshops are open to faculty and graduate students across the UC community. Check out all our offerings below.  You can see a full listing of CECH … Continue reading

New Library Instruction Menu from CECH Library

CECH librarians love engaging with students and teaching library instruction sessions to classes across the college. To better promote what is possible with library instruction, instruction librarians in CECH Library developed a new instruction menu.   The menu has four categories … Continue reading


Library collection updates relevant to the CECH Schools we serve – the Schools of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology.

Innovative Services

Learn more about the instruction and services we provide.


Learn more about our unique spaces!

New Furniture at the CECH Library

Since coming back for spring semester, you may have noticed that the CECH Library looks a little different. We are happy to announce that we have added additional furniture to our space to accommodate more users and diversify our seating … Continue reading


A collection of annual reporting information for CECH Library.

See our latest annual report reflecting on 2022-2023 school year!

CECH Library Annual Highlights, AY23

The CECH Library is proud to present highlights and key data points from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 via the following Microsoft Sway presentation. It has been our pleasure to serve and collaborate with the best college at … Continue reading