Reservable Spaces
The CECH Library offers two free, reservable spaces to UC Staff, faculty, and CECH-affiliated student groups. Requests to reserve a space should be submitted via the appropriate form at least two business days prior to the date needed. CECH Library staff will review and respond to your request within two business days of submission. Library instruction requests should be sent directly to the appropriate library faculty member, or sent to
For information on CECH Library’s reservable study room, 400B, visit our study spaces page to learn more and make a reservation.
Picture coming soon!
Room 400B is located on the library’s second level. It contains a table and four chairs. The walls of 400B may be used as a dry erase writing surface. Dry erase markers are available for checkout at the information desk.
You can reserve this space on 25 Live using the button above.
Room 320 is located on the library’s main level, level 3 of the Teachers-Dyer Complex. The classroom is open during regular library hours. It contains six student workstations, one instructor workstation, six televisions, twenty laptops, one SMART Board, and one projector. Max capacity for this room is 36.
Scheduling for this room is ad hoc and first come, first served for single use and for recurring events scheduled after 3pm. All recurring events scheduled before 3pm will be reviewed and approved, as available. Please be aware that library-sponsored instruction and events are given precedence in scheduling prior to 3pm.
The CECH Library MakerLab is located on the library’s main level in room 325, level 3 of the Teachers-Dyer Complex, and can be used by members of the UC community to create instructional materials or reserved for instructional or other UC-affiliated purposes. The MakerLab is open during regular library hours and contains four tables and a projector.
Scheduling for this room is ad hoc and first come, first served. Please be aware that this room is always open to the public and some equipment may be in use during your reservation period.
For full details on our MakerLab, including available equipment and supplies for purchase, visit our MakerLab page to learn more.