
Instructional Services

High-quality instructional services are at the core of our mission in CECH Library. We provide library instruction, embedded library support in Canvas, and reference assistance in support of the entire CECH community, including the Schools of Criminal Justice, Education, Human Services, and Information Technology.

Your CECH librarian is available to consult about all of these modes of instruction.

Library Instruction

Librarians are available to provide library instruction sessions for students per faculty request. Instruction may include information literacy skill building or tutorials on using and choosing library resources. We tailor all library instruction to course and student needs, from first-year experience courses to graduate seminars.

Lesson topics may include:

  • Literature searching skills in a specific discipline
  • Searching for and locating children's books in the CECH Library
  • How to read a scholarly article
  • APA citations and citation tracing

For a more complete list of lesson topics, take a look at our instruction menu!

Instruction sessions are available both virtually and in-person. We can also provide library instruction asynchronously via custom online learning tools such as LibGuides, embedded Canvas content, or videos.

CECH librarians are also available to consult with faculty on creating assignments, programmatic information literacy touchpoints, and more.

Library Workshops

CECH librarians host workshops on various topics throughout the school year, such as highlighting a unique resource or teaching a new skill. You can find these by searching for “CECH Library” in Faculty OneStop. Workshops are targeted at graduate students and faculty/staff. See our current offerings.

You can suggest workshop topics or request a workshop be presented to a group by contacting a CECH librarian.

Reference Assistance

Your CECH librarian can help you and your students locate resources, create the perfect search query, and navigate interlibrary borrowing. We can also provide guidance on citations and citation management software. Contact your CECH librarian or use the link(s) above to ask a reference question.