
Open Educational Resources Grants

Textbook Transformation Grants

Applications are now closed. Grant funds are not available for fiscal year 2024. Information about future opportuities will be available soon. Contact the University of Cincinnaty Press with questions. 

Innovator Grants

Textbook Transformation Innovator Grants aid the modification or creation of new open educational resources and are available to full-time faculty at any University of Cincinnati campus.

Note: Grants are not available at this time. 

There are three levels of Textbook Transformation Innovator Grants based on course size. In addition to a monetary award, recipients of the Textbook Transformation Innovator Grant are:

  • Published digitally, with the possibility of print, by the University of Cincinnati Press
  • Included in the Pressbooks Directory, allowing global adoption of work
  • Included as a participant in the Next Lives Here 2021 Strategic Sizing Grant's Lead the Open Agenda initiative report to the Provost

A $100 award is provided for each non-author faculty member who uses the developed course materials in their sections at any University of Cincinnati campus.

Textbook Transformation Innovator Grant Levels

Level 1: New and Small Course Transformation Innovator Grant

Up to $1,200

Available to UC Faculty members authoring OER projects for new and existing courses with up to 49 students enrolled per academic year.  

Level 2: Midsize Course Transformation Innovator Grant

Up to $2000

Available to UC Faculty members authoring OER projects for new and existing courses with a minimum of 50 students and a maximum of 249 students enrolled on average per academic year.

Level 3: Large Course Transformation Innovator Grant

Up to $4000 

Available to UC Faculty members authoring OER projects for new and existing courses with a minimum of 250 or more students enrolled on average per academic year total or department-wide adoptions.

Adoption Grants

Textbook Transformation Adoption Grants ($200) are given to faculty who replace an existing textbook with an OER or low-cost set of learning materials without modification.

Textbook Transformation Adoption Grant recipients are recognized and included as participants in the Next Lives Here 2021 Strategic Sizing Grant's Lead the Open Agenda initiative report to the Provost.

Applicants must show proof of adopting course materials totaling less than $30 or 50% of their current required textbook costs.

Books may be selected from Pressbooks, UC Library materials, or any other OER repository such as Open Textbook Library

Open Access Assistance

Author Processing Costs (APC)

The University of Cincinnati Press provides Open Access Article Fund Awards to reduce the impact of article processing charges (APCs). University of Cincinnati faculty and students have access to APC publishing waivers through publishing partnerships. The Press can also help you evaluate open access publishing agreements. 

Note: APC grants are not available for fiscal year 2024.