
Technology & Equipment at UC Clermont

UC Clermont lends a variety of technology and equipment for UC Clermont students for academic success. Questions about equipment and technology borrowing can be sent to the Operations Manager.

Currently, UC Clermont has the following equipment and technology available to students:

  • Laptops
  • iPads
  • Headphones/Headsets
  • Webcams
  • Scientific Calculators
  • Phone Chargers
  • Light Stands
  • WiFi Hot Spots
  • Adapting Dongles

You can check the status of items to know how many are available.

Users must present their Bearcat Card or valid photo ID (includes driver's license, military ID, state ID) to check out circulating technology. Some technology may require an agreement prior to borrowing, so we encourage you to request the equipment ahead of time.

Items must be returned to the library desk where they were borrowed. The patron who checked out the equipment us responsible for returning the item in person. Notify library staff of any loss, damage, or defect immediately upon returning the item.

Do not return items in the library book drop. 

If needed, returns can be made by appointment outside library operating hours.

Individual equipment may have specific rules applied. Please refer to the Equipment Borrowing Policies by Type for more information.
  • These materials should be used for educational use only.
  • Borrowers must return technology to a staff member at the front desk. Items may not be returned in the book drop outside of the library.
  • Items can only be checked out by current UC Clermont students, CCP students, or UC Clermont alum currently enrolled in UC classes.
  • UC Clermont Students, Staff and Faculty whose accounts are in good standing may check out equipment.    
    • Good standing is considered fines under $125 for undergraduate students.
    • Good standing is considered fines under $250 for staff and faculty.
  • The library reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who abuses equipment or is repeatedly late in returning items.

Financial Responsibility

  • Borrowers are responsible for returning materials in the same condition in which it was given to them.
  • Borrowed acknowledge that it is their responsibility to exercise a proper standard of care to assure that the equipment is not stolen or damaged while in my care, custody, or control.
  • Borrowers agree not to loan the equipment to anyone else for any reason and to return it on the date and time indicated at the time of check-out.
  • Borrowers understand that failure to return the equipment at the agreed upon time adversely affects pending loans by other students, faculty, and staff and will result in my owing a fine of at least $10 /day and possible forfeiture of the privilege to borrow in the future.
  • Borrowers accept full responsibility for this Clermont–owned equipment and agree to pay for any damage (including undue wear) or loss. In such an event, the borrower understands that the University of Cincinnati, Clermont College will bill them for repair or replacement charges.


Laptops, Chargers & Wireless Mice

  • Students must sign a borrower's agreement form once per academic year to check out a laptop.
  • Laptops, charging cords, and a carrying case are checked out together for use.
  • No renewals. 
  • Only one checked out per patron at a time.
  • Typically, online students do not qualify, but exceptions may occur.

Long-Term Laptop Lending

Short-Term Laptop Lending

  • The Clermont Library has laptops dedicated for short-term lending. These laptops may be borrowed for as little as one hour and as long as 8 hours. Laptops will always be due back by the end of the day in which they are checked out. These laptops are not intended to leave campus.
  • Short-term laptops cannot be renewed. Laptops may be checked out each day but must be returned at the end of each day.
  • UC students, CCP students, or UC Clermont alum who are enrolled in classes at UC, whose accounts are in good standing, may check out laptops.
    • Good standing is considered fines under $125 for undergraduate students.
  • Students may only borrow one laptop at a time.
  • Students are required to complete Technology Lending Form at the start of each academic year acknowledging they agree to the UC Clermont Lending Policy.


  • iPads, keyboard, charging cord, chargering adapter, lighning adapter, Apple pencil and carrying case checked out together for use.
  • The Clermont Library has iPads dedicated for short-term lending. These iPads may be borrowed for 5 days at a time.
  • iPads can be renewed for an additional 2 weeks during the semester if there are iPads still available for circulation but must be returned at the end of the semester, regardless of when they are checked out, for maintenance purposes.
  • Students may only borrow one iPad at a time.
    • iPad may be checked out in addition to a laptop.
  • Borrowers are required to complete Technology Lending Form at the start of each academic year acknowledging they agree to the UC Clermont Lending Policy.

Headphones, Headsets, & Webcams

  • Borrowers are required to complete Technology Lending Form at the start of each academic year acknowledging they agree to the UC Clermont Lending Policy.
  • Available to check out for 2 hours at a time.
  • No renewals.

TI-83 Plus Scientific Calculator

  • 4-hour loans. 
  • Loan period may be adjusted as needed.
  • Can be renewed.

Phone Charging Cords

  • Available to check out for 2 hours at a time.
  • No renewals.

Light Stands

WiFi Hot Spots

  • Available for 5 day loans.
  • Cannot be renewed.
  • Only one checked out per patron at a time.
  • Borrowers are required to complete Technology Lending Form at the start of each academic year acknowledging they agree to the UC Clermont Lending Policy
  • The Clermont Library has laptops dedicated for long-term lending. These laptops may be borrowed for up to a semester at a time with a mid-semester renewal.
  • When checked out, these laptops will always have a due date for the last day of the semester in which they are borrowed, regardless of when they are checked out.
  • Long term laptops can be be renewed once during midterms.
    • Laptops may be checked out back-to-back semesters, but must be returned in between semesters for maintenance work and updates
  • UC Clermont students, or CCP students and UC Clermont alum who are enrolled in classes at UC, whose accounts are in good standing may check out laptops
    • Good standing is considered fines under $125 for undergraduate students
  • Students may only borrow one laptop at a time.
  • Students are required to complete Technology Lending Form at the start of each academic year acknowledging they agree to the UC Clermont Lending Policy.