
Strategic Directions

Enrich Our Collections

Enrich and curate library collections that enable intellectual endeavors and inspire new discoveries.


  1. Provide enhanced visibility and discoverability of library collections using a suite of software tools and collections-centered programming.
  2. Establish a coordinated digital initiatives strategy that elevates discovery and access of unique and special collections.
  3. Optimize the storage of physical materials as responsible stewards of our collections, while meeting the needs and expectations of users.
  4. Strengthen collection development practices and strategies for sustainability and streamlined operations.
  5. Expand the visibility of diverse perspectives and voices through inclusive collection development practices and engagement with representative communities.

Expand Our Impact

Expand our impact as a trusted academic and research partner through promotion, engagement and collaboration.


  1. Foster awareness of and improve UC Libraries’ reputation through heightened promotion of library services, collections and expertise.
  2. Connect students, researchers and faculty with library services, collections and expertise through increased engagement and focused research.
  3. Expand UC Libraries’ reach and maximize effectiveness through enhanced UC and external partnerships and collaborations.

Strengthen Our Organization

Strengthen an inclusive library enterprise through an investment in our people, practices and spaces by creating a shared purpose with active participation and accountability.


  1. Build and foster a culture of assessment and data-informed decision making that ensures collections, services and spaces meet or exceed user needs.
  2. Develop a transparent and participatory decision-making structure for UC Libraries based on shared values, priorities and vision.
  3. Recruit, develop and retain library faculty and staff by strengthening skills and creating an inclusive and supportive work environment.
  4. Pursue opportunities to financially sustain UC Libraries that allow for future growth and development.
  5. Enhance the student employee work experience and maximize their contributions to the libraries.

Support Our Students

Support academic readiness, create access and foster success and belonging of a growing student population through utilization of library services, collections, spaces and expertise.


  1. Play a role in addressing student affordability through the development and adoption of open
    educational resources.
  2. Develop student learning beyond the classroom.
  3. Enhance student belonging and inclusion through library programming and services.
  4. Develop and execute a vision for library spaces that fosters an adaptive, accessible and productive user experience.