

Copyright and Fair Use at UC Libraries

Copyright law has played an important role in the authorship of books and other writings, and since the late nineteenth century, audio recordings, followed by video and now digital media. Beginning in the 1970's, Congress has amended copyright several times while attempting to realize the implications of newer technologies.

The goals of the University of Cincinnati patent and copyright policies are to encourage innovation, promote the use of inventions and discoveries for the public good, and provide equitable distribution of income between the investigator and the university. Please refer to the following documents:

Authors and users of potentially copyrighted works need to have a basic familiarity with the features of copyright law, and as importantly, need to be able to locate more detailed information. Click the buttons below to connect to an online guide designed to help the UC community make informed decisions about copyright and fair use in an academic setting.

Disclaimer: The information on this and linked pages is not legal advice.