2018-2019 Year In Review
By the Numbers
- 109,497 Library Visitors
- 17,545 Items Circulated
- 15,567 Reserve Items Borrowed
- 266 Titles Ordered
- 400 General Info and Research Questions Answered
Instruction & Instructional Technology
Faculty Lightning Talk Presenters (L-R): Ruth Benander, Ornaith O'Dowd, Amy Miller and Patrick Owen
- Taught 127 library instruction classes reaching 2,161 students
- Talked with 2,271 incoming new students and guests at 16 resource fairs for the college orientation program
- Presented to 382 incoming new students and guests at 6 Academic Support sessions
- Taught 2 library workshops to students ranging from elementary to high school as part of college's UC Smiles program
- Taught 1 faculty/staff/student workshop; Hosted 1 info session and 1 event for faculty and staff
- Participated in UC's Canvas Pilot
- Worked to develop and test LibGuides interaction with Canvas
Departmental Activities
Collection Highlights
The UCBA Library collection has lots of gems which can easily be overlooked. The New Titles Guide, Book of Month selections and library displays help our community of readers find these treasures.
Spread The Warmth Drive Coordinators (L-R): Heather Maloney and Jen Ellis (Nursing)
UCBA Cares - Spread the Warmth Drive
The UCBA Library partnered with the UCBA Nursing Department to collect over 200 gently used coats, hats, gloves, mittens, scarves, and blankets and donated them to the Talbert House.
Honors Library Lock-In
The UCBA Library collaborated with UCBA Honors students and the faculty program director to host a Library Lock-In for Honors students on December 7, 2018. It was a successful event filled with food, fun and fellowship!
National Library Week
The UCBA Library celebrated National Library Week (NLW) with student designed buttons (pictured), the ever popular Guess the (Gummy) Bookworms and provided a reduction of library fees for donations to St. Vincent de Paul.
Exam Week Refueling
Studying for exams takes a lot of energy so the library provided snacks and inspirational quotes to help students power up for Spring Semester exams.
Faculty & Staff Highlights
Pam Adler, Public Services Assistant
Pam celebrated her 20th anniversary at UC. She began her career at the GE Aircraft Engines Library in Evendale and joined the UCBA Library in 2015.
Christian Boyles, UCBA Library Collection Services Manager (2nd from left, back row)
Christian Boyles, Collection Services Manager
Christian Boyles attended the Charleston Conference in Charleston, SC. The conference is focused on issues in book and serial acquisitions.
Christian also participated in UC’s university-wide service day, UC Serves. He spent the day at SPCA Cincinnati doing landscape clean-up and restoring two dog runs.
Michelle McKinney with Library Leadership Ohio classmates (second row, fifth from left)
Michelle McKinney, Reference & Web Services Librarian
Michelle participated in Library Leadership Ohio (LLO) 2018 in Columbus, Ohio. Michelle also attended the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Washington D.C. where she helped to facilitate the Spectrum Leadership Institute and served as a panelist on the Writing Our Own Leadership Narratives presentation.
Lauren Wahman
Lauren Wahman, Information Literacy & Instruction Coordinator
Lauren Wahman and two faculty from the UCBA English & Communication Department co-facilitated the faculty development workshop, Unlocking Student Potential: Reading, Writing, and Information Literacy Across the Disciplines. Lauren co-moderated the Association of College & Research Libraries, Instruction Section, Management & Leadership Committee's online discussion series event, Fostering Curiosity: Invigorating Your Library’s Teaching and Learning Culture through SoTL.
(L-R) Michelle McKinney and Kellie Tilton
UCBA Library Faculty Collaborations
Michelle McKinney and Kellie Tilton presented a Bullet Journaling 101 workshop at the Joint Conference of Librarians of Color in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Michelle also served as a panelist on the It Takes a Village: Spectrum Advisory Committee Creating and Fostering Community for Spectrum Alumni presentation.
Heather Maloney and Lauren Wahman co-authored the article, Transform Your Space, Transform Your Teaching: Reflections on the UCBA Learning & Teaching Center in the peer-reviewed journal, Journal for Research & Practice in College Teaching (December 2018).