Lab Spaces
The University of Cincinnati Libraries offer many ways to create and access digital resources in a variety of spaces across campus.
Research Labs at GMP
Visualization Laboratory
Data & GIS Collab
Geo-Math-Phys Library (Braunstein Hall)
The Collab features:
- 2 high-end workstations with large dual monitors (36” each)
- Specialized software - ARCGIS, MATLAB & more to come
- 3-D mouse available on request
- Consultants to assist with GIS and data analysis
- Work spaces for project collaboration
- Whiteboard for creative thinking
Contact to reserve the space or to schedule a consultation
More information on the Research Labs guide:
Informatics Lab at the Health Sciences Library
Informatics Lab
A Collaborative Space for Innovation at the Health Sciences Library
The Informatics Lab is designed for innovative and collaborative hands-on learning experiences. It is a place for UC researchers and graduate students to connect, collaborate, and receive research support services.
MS Windows: zSpace AR/Technology, ArcGIS, Office, Skype, SPSS, SAS, CLC Main Workbench, R, RStudio, 7Zip, Notepad++, Python+scipy+NumPy, MySQL Workbench, Cytoscape, Adobe Creative Cloud, QGIS, EpiInfo, GeoDA, SatScan, Citrix
OSX: Office, Skype, SPSS, Adobe Creative Cloud, R, RStudio Desktop, Cytoscape, TextMate, The Unarchiver, Python+scipy+NumPy IGV, MySQL Workbench, QGIS, GeoDA, SatScan, XCODE, WEPA Print App
Equipment: 2 iMacs, 2 PCs,1 80 inch monitor for wireless presentation, web conferencing, and content sharing, 4 whiteboard tables, 2 standing whiteboards, 1wall-mounted white board
Hours: Currently the Informatics Lab is not open to the public.
- To reserve this space, fill out the form at With any other questions please contact us at
- Informatics Lab is open to the UC students, faculty, and staff. The highest priority is given to UC AHC faculty, staff, and graduate students.
- Due to the unique and specialized equipment available in the Informatics Lab, recurring and repetitive reservations are limited so it may serve a wide range of groups within the AHC.
- A minimum group of three individuals is required to reserve the entire room. Individuals can reserve the computers.
- Faculty, staff, or graduate students may reserve the room for two hours at a time. It is possible to reserve two, two-hour timeslots for longer projects or meetings.
- If this room is not used within 20 minutes of the scheduled reservation start-time, it is considered vacant and will be available to others on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Food and Drink: Items for personal consumption (e.g. drinks or snacks) are allowed, but formal, catered events are not permitted.
Contact us: