
Modern Greek Journals at UC

The John Miller Burnam Classics Library of the University of Cincinnati possesses ca. 315 journals from the 19th and early 20th century published in Greece or pertaining to Hellenic Studies in Greek diaspora communities. This collection is one of the largest in North America along with that of Princeton, Harvard, and the Library of Congress although there are several titles unique to UC (recently, a Greek doctoral student at the Sorbonne in Paris asked if we could scan an entire run of one of these journals. After much research, I concluded that UC may very well be the only institution in the world possessing this title). Also recenty, we were able to come go the aid of an exasperated professor at the London School of Economics who had exhausted all other avenues in his search for a Greek law journal from 1929, which we have in our collection. 

To launch the project, I organized an international conference at the University of Cincinnati, October 25-26, 2018, with the aim of creating a Consortium of North American and European partners to not only digitize historic Greek journals and newspapers in the humanities and the social sciences, but also to provide detailed descriptive metadata for them and a website from which all items (texts and images) would be available via open access (I informally refer to this program as Greek “JSTOR” similar to German “JSTOR,” DigiZeitschriften, and French Cairn). The Consortium has since been named the “Greek Digital Journal Archive” (GDJA). The materials would also be open to text mining and other DH efforts. The digitization of this collection would not only preserve an international scholarly treasure at UC, but could also be of interest to grant-giving institutions, not the least in Greece, and offer UC institutional prestige, and contribute to the critical mass of digital materials in the field thereby increasing their value, especially since the National Library of Greece is already digitizing 200 of its newspapers. This project also offers a great opportunity and good timing for UC since the last in-person IFLA conference was hosted by Greece (just before Covid when travel became impossible) and last year was the bicentennial of the Greek Revolution, Greece’s Independence from 400 years of Ottoman rule, and this year (2022) is the biennial Symposium of the Modern Greek Studies Association.  

Historically, in 1953 UC took on the responsibility for acquiring and preserving all scholarly publications coming out of Greece as part of the Farmington Plan (established in Farmington, Connecticut, in 1942) of academic research libraries in the wake of WWII. The plan was not an organization intended to live forever as the UN, but like the Marshall Plan was a reaction to an urgent need after several libraries and publishing houses throughout much of Europe had been destroyed. This is the backdrop to the UC journal acquisitions.  Moreover, I invited a prominent scholar, Artemis Leontis, the Chair of the Classics Department at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and editor of the prestigious Journal of Modern Greek Studies, and one of the most renowned scholars in the discipline, to give the keynote speech on her original research into the hitherto unknown correspondence of two remarkable American female artists and philhellenes, Eva Palmer-Sikelianos and Natalie Clifford Barney, who established schools and festivals in Greece to revive ancient Greek culture.  The lecture was open to the public. 

Participants in the conference included representatives from a number of top institutions with Modern Greek collections:  Harvard University, King’s College, London, Library of Congress, University of Michigan, University of Minnesota, the National Library of Greece, the Gennadius Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, and the Tsakopoulos Hellenic Collection in Sacramento, CA . The participants, including UC, have provided inventories via GoogleShare which are used to determine which titles should be digitized and by which member institutions. Some institutions may decide to seek grants collectively for digitization, conservation of the print materials, and to provide funding for faculty, students, and staff to work on descriptive metadata and data mining of this distinctive and difficult-to-locate historic materials.   

Two special sessions of the GDJA were organized and led by me at the IFLA conference in August 2019 with follow up meetings at the National Documentation Centre and other institutions in Athens, and at the MGSA Symposium in November of that same year.

Last year I was awarded the Provost’s Research Grant of c. $10,000 in 2020 which has enabled me to hire a student to scan c. 40 journals unique to UC to date, to hire a Modern Greek philologist, now working in Brussels, to provide content analysis/metadata, information shared and approved by the Executive Committee. A prgress report was recently submitted to the MGSA by Rhea Karabelas Lesage, Harvard University. She and Harvard are also running the files created by the UC Classics Library through an OCR application created for the “Open Greek and Latin Project,” which recognizes polytonic (diacritic) Greek.  The grant was for one year and will cease in April 2022. Thankfully, the UC Classics Department recently approved $8,000 annually to support the project and their tech officer has offered much needed technical support as well as allowed us to save the scanned 600 ppi/dpi .tiff and .pdf files to their server with an external hard drive for backup.

The Modern Greek Studies Association (MGSA) has also awarded one of the consortial partners, the Tsakopoulos Hellenic Collection at California State University, Sacramento $1,000 to digitize 6 uniquely held Greek-American newspapers to form part of the GDJA. Two other consortial partners, the University of Minnesota and the University of Michigan, have both completed the digitization of their Greek journals to be included in the GDJA. 

A few journal images from the UC collection followed by an Inventory and information on online access to them.

Ἑρμῆς ὁ Λόγιος / Hermēs ho logios 
Viennē tēs Aoustrias, ek tēs typographias tou Iō Varthol. Tzvekiou. 
11 v. 22 cm
1811-[maïou 1] 1821.
The first journal published in Modern Greek and important for the Greek Enlightenment. It was printed in Vienna from 1811 to 1821 and was intended as a channel of communication among Greek intellectuals of the Ottoman Empire and the diaspora communities in Western Europe. It was closed down by Austrian authorities in the beginning of the War of Independence. The journal was said to have played a role in its inception. Hermes o Logios was published on January 1, 1811, under the full title Ἑρμῆς ὁ Λόγιος, ἥ Φιλολογικαί Ἀγγελίαι with the support of the Philological Society in Bucharest.   
Editors: 1811-1814, Anthimos Gazēs.--1816-1819, Theoklētos Pharmakidēs (with Kōnstantinos Kokkinakēs)--1819-1821, Kōnstantinos Kokkinakēs.




Βύρων / Vyrōn: Mēniaion periodikon syngramma ekdidomenon hypo tou Philologikou Syllogou Vyrōnos tē epistasia heptamelous epitropēs.

Athēnēsin, typ. Th. Papalexandrē.
4 v. 25 cm
t. 1-4; Phevr. 1874-Martios 1879.





Ο Βρετανικός Αστήρ / Ho Vrettanikos astēr: Hevdomadiaion periodikon.
Idioktētēs kai archisyntaktēs Stephanos Xenos. Londinon, 1860-63.
Athēnai, 1891-1892. It was published in London 1960-1963. It was the first Greek magazine of its kind. Its Editor-in-Chief was the well-known novelist Stefanos Xenos. The magazine was intended for Greeks in the British Commonwealth. It may have been the first Greek illustrated magazine. It was published as a daily newspaper between October 1891 and May 3, 1892.  
5 v. illus. 41 cm




Χρυσαλλίς / Chrysallis: Philologia, kallitechnia, poikila. It was published in Athens from January 1863 to December 1866. The title pages of this literary journal initially featured a butterfly (Chrysallis) by the famous woodcarver Per Skiadopoulos,
En Athēnais: Ek tou grapheiou tou Chrysallidos, 1863-1866.





Some historic Newspaper images from the UC collection

Athēnēsi: s.n., 1876-1895.
Began publication with t. 1, 4 Ian. 1876. 
Followed by: Neahestia, 1927- .
Editor: Jan. 1876-Dec. 1882, Paulos Diomedes; Jan. 1883-Dec. 1888, Georgios Kasdones; Jan. 1889-Dec. 1890, N.G. Polites and Georgios Drosines; Jan. 1891-Dec. 1894, Georgios Drosines; Ja. 1895, Georgios Xenopoulos.


Pharos tēs Makedonias
Greek newspaper from Thessaloniki, 1887.



Titles in bold cannot be found online




Total no. of journals    



Not found in digital form



Fully digitized



Fully digitized but not currently available



Partially digitized



Fully digitized but not openly accessible




Ἑρμῆς ὁ Λόγιος t. 1-11 (1811-21)
Available at Hathi Trust:

Ἑλληνικα Χρονικά t. 1-3 (1824-1826)
Available at Psifiothiki—1826 for example:

Γενική Εφημερίς της Ελλάδος t. 1-4 (1825-29)
Not found.

Η Αιγιναία t. 1 (1831)

Εφημερίς της Κυβερνήσεως του Βασιλειου της Ελλάδος irregular (1833-1962)
PDFs available for download (1833-present) at:

Ιόνιος Ανθολογία t.1-5 (1834-35)
Not openly accessible:

Ευαγγελική σάλπιγξ t. 1 (1834-35)
Not found.

Εφημερίς των Αγγελιών t. 2 (1836)
Not found.

Ανθολογια των Κοινωφελών Γνώσεων t. 1-3 (1836-38)
Available at Psifiothiki. 1836 for example:

Ηώς t. 1 (1836)
Not found.

Εφημερίς Αρχαιολογική t.1-55 (1837-60)
Available at Psifiothiki (hereafter I will omit Psifiothiki URLs (as there is no single page indexing all parts)—easier to do a title search at

Πρακτικά της εν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας (1837-1847, 1848-1849, 1858-1859, 186901861, 1870-).
Digitized years 1842, 1848, 1849, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1864, 1869-1926

Εφημερίς Νομική t. 1-20 (1837-57)
Not found.

Ο Παιδαγωγός t. 1 (1839)
Νοτ found.

Ευρωπαïκός ερανιστής t. 1-2 (1840-43)
PDFs of all issues/all years at Pleias:

Ελληνομνήμων ή Σύμμεικτα ελληνικά t. 1 (1843-53)
Available in PDF at:
and at Psifiothiki.

Άστρον της Ανατολής t. 1, 1-3 (1844)
Not openly available, but PDFs can? be requested through Lekythos:

Πρακτικἀ των Συνεδριάσεων της Βουλής t. 1-4 (1845-46), t. 1-3 (1848-49) 
PDFs available from 1843 onward at: Link is no longer working.

Η Ευτέρπη t. 1-8 (1847-54)
Not found.

Η Πανδώρα t. 1-22 (1850-72)
Available at Pleias:

Επιγραφαί ανέκδοτοι t. 1-3 (1851)
Available at:

Η Μνημοσύνη t. 1 (1852-53)
Available at Psifiothiki.

Νομολογία των Πολιτικών και Εμπορικών Αποφάσεων του Ανωτάτου Συμβουλίου της Δικαιοσύνης (1853-60)
Not found.

Εφημερίς των Φιλομαθών, Φιλολογική, Εκκλησιαστική και Δημοσίας Εκπαιδεύσεως t. 25-28 (1878-1881)
Available at Psifiothiki.

The Philhellenic Banner t.1 (1853-54)
Not found.

Βιβλιοθήκη του Λαού t.1-12 (1855)
Not found.

Ευαγγελικός Κήρυξ σύγγραμμα Πιλολογικόν και Παιδαγωγικόν ser. 1 t. 1-12 (1857-1859), ser. 2 t. 1-3 (1868-71)  
1857-1859, 1861, 1862, 1865-6: available at Psifiothiki; And 1860:

Νομική Μέλισσα, ήτοι Συλλογή των σπουδαιοτέρων αποφάσεων του εν Αθήναις Εφετείου t. 1-6 (1858-1873)
Not found.

Ο Βρετανικός Αστήρ t. 1-5 (1860; 1891-1892)
Available at:

Φιλίστωρ t. 1-4 (1861-63)
Available on Psifiothiki.

Αρχαιολογική Εφημερίς ser. 2 t. 1-17 (1862-74)
Ser. 2 v.1-17 1862-1974 online at Hathi Trust

Ο χρόνος, Ημερολόγιον t. 3-4 (1864-65)
Not found.

Ο Επτάλοφος t. 1-2 (1862-64)
1862-64 can? be requested at Lekythos; other years and Ε. Νέα not found

Χρυσαλλίς t. 1-4 (1863-1866)
All available at:

Η Μέλισσα των Αθηνών ser. 2 t. 1 (1864)
All available at Pleias:

Ονήσανδρος: Εφημερίς του κατά ξηράν και θάλασσαν Στρατού t. 1-2 (1864-65+ Suppl.)
1865 issues available on Anemi:

Εθνική Βίβλιοθήκη t. 1-7 (1865-73)
All on Psifiothiki.

Επτάλοφος Νέα t. 1-3 (1865-67)
Not found. 

Δικαιοσύνη t. 1-2 (1866-1868)
Not found.

Ο Λόγιος Ερμής t. 1-2 (1866,1867) & 5 (1876)  
1866 and 1876 seem to be complete at:

Ο Λόγος t. 1-3 (1868-1871)
Not found.

Μύρια όσα t. 1-2 (1868-1869)
Available at Psifiothiki.

Ο Μέντωρ t. 1-5 (1869-74)
Incompletely (issues mostly from 1872-3) available at:

Ο Επτάλοφος-Μηνιαίον απάνθισμα t. 1 nos. 1-3 (1869)
Available at:

Γεωργική εφημερίς t. 1-2 (1869-70)
August 1869 is available at:
Otherwise not found.

Το Περιοδικόν του Αναγνωστηρίου Σμύρνης t. 1-2, no. 1 (1871-1872)
Available at Psifiothiki.

Χρόνος : επετηρίς Νεολόλου t. 1-2 (1871-72)
Available at and

Αθήναιον t. 1-10 (1872-81)
Can be requested at Lekythos; otherwise not found.

Γεωπονικά t. 1-4 (1872-1875)
t. 1-3 (not 4) available at Anemi:[metadata]=1&&stored_cclquery=&skin=&rss=0&store_query=1&show_form=&export_method=none&display_mode=detail&ioffset=1&offset=2&number=1&keep_number=10&old_offset=1&search_help=detail

Βιβλιογραφικών δελτίον ελληνικής φιλολογίας t. 1 (1872)
Not found.

Επισημος στρατιωτική εφεμηρίς του ετους t. 1-9 (1872)
Not found.

Όμηρος t. 1-6 (1873-78)
Available at:

Οικονομική Επιθεώρησις t. 1-14 (1873-1890)
Not found.

Ευαγγελικός λόγος t. 1-4 (1874-78)
Not found.

Βύρων t. 1-4 (1874-79)
Available at Psifiothiki.

Σωκράτης t. 1-2 (1874-75)
Available at Psifiothiki.

Μουσειον και βιβλιοθηκη της Ευαγγελικης Σχολης t. 1-5 (1874-86)
1876, 1877, 1878, 1880 available at Medusa (1877 for instance:; at Anemi, 1880-84 are available in one huge PDF.

Ἑστία t. 1-38 (1876-95)
Available at: Link no longer works.

Αθήναις, Εφεμηρίς των Νέων t. 1-7 (1876-82)
Available at:

Παρνασσός t. 1-17 (1877-94)
Available at:

Σωτήρ t. 1-16 (1877-94)
Much of ’77-80 available at Psifiothiki, but other years do not appear anywhere.

Δικαστικά χρονικά t. 1-3 (1877-1880)
Available at: Link no longer works.

Σαββατιαία Επιθεώρησις: Πολιτική και Φιλολογική Arith. 1-52 (1877-78)
First issue at:

Φοίνος t. 1-14, 16-20 (1878-92, 1894-98)
Not found.

Κήρυγμα Εφεμηρίς των Χριστοκρατικκών αρχών t. 1-6 (1878-84)
Not found.

Χλώρις t. 1 (1879)
Not found.

Γαληνός  t. 1-fasc. 19?)(1879-97)
Not found.

Εύξεινος Πόντος t. 1-2 (1880-82)
1881-82 can be requested through Lekythos, and the first issue is openly accessible there.

Ελληνισμός t. 1 (1880-1881)
Not found.

Θρησκευτική Φωνή  t. 1-3 nos. 1-60 (1880-82)
Available at:

Εφημερίς των σχολείων t. 1 (1880-81)
Can be requested at Lehythos.

Γραφικός Κόσμος t. 1-2 (1880-81)
1880-81 can be requested at Lekythos

Πλάτων: Σύγγραμμα περιοδικόν παιδαγωγικόν και φιλολογικόν t. 1-13 (1878-1890)  
Available at:

Έσπερος t. 1-8 (1881-89)
1881-2, 1884-5, and 1887 can be found on Google Books.

Επιθεώρησις πολιτική και φιλολογική t. 1-3 (1881-82)
Available on Psifiothiki.

Σιών t. 1-8 (nos. 1-384 (1881-88)
Not found.

Αίνος: Σύγγραμμα περιοδικόν παιδαγωγικόν και φιλολογικόν t. 1, no. 7 (1882)
Available at:

Πυθαγόρας t. 1-2 (1882-83), n.p. t. 110 (1923-32)
Νοτ found.

Ο Κόσμος Σύγγραμμα περιοδικόν t. 1-3 (1883-84)
Not found.

Ρωμηός t. 1-31 (1883-1918)
Available at:

Εφημερίς Αρχαιολογική ser. 3, t. 22-49 (1883-1910). Lacks v. 42-43
Available at Psifiothiki.

Απόλλων t. 1-8 (1883-92)
Available at:

Δελτίον της ιστορικής και εθνολογικής εταιρείας της ελλάδος t. 1-9 (1886-1928)  
Available at:

Εβδομάδας: επιθεώρησις κοινωνική και φιλολογική t. 1-9 (1884-92)
Not found.

Νέον κήρυγμα t. 1-5 (1884-88)
Not found.

Κλειώ t. 1-7 (1885-91)
Available at:

Αστήρ του Πόντου t. 2 (1886)
Available at Psifiothiki.

Ελληνική Γεώργια t. 1-12 (1885-96)
Not found.

Εθνικόν ημερολόγιον χρονογραφικόν, φιλολογικόν,  και γελοιογραφικόν t. 3-33 (1888-1918)
1900, 1901, 1910 are available at Psifiothiki. 1897 can be found at:
Other years not found.

Ανάπλασις t. 1-54 (1888-1941) & 1953-54, 1956, 1958
Available at: Link no longer works.

Ακρόπολις Φιλολογική t. 1-2 (1888-89)
Available at:

Δελτίον Αρχαιολογικόν t. 4-5 (1888-89) t. 6-8 (1890-92)
Not found.

Προμηθεύς: περιοδικόν εκδιδόμενον κατά μήνα ser. 1, t. 1-2 (1889-91), ser. 2 t. 9 (1897) & ser. 2 t. 11 (1899)
Not found.

Ελλάς : Περιοδικόν του εν Αμστελοδάμω Φιλλεληνικού Συλλόγου t. 1-5 (1889-95)
t. 4 available on Google Books; others not found

Αθηνά: Σύγγραμμα περιοδικόν της εν Αθήναις Επιστημονικής Εταιρείας t. 1-82 (1889-1999)
1934 is available on Anemi:
Others not found.

Θέμις t. 1-65 (1890-1954) 
1895-6 is available on Google Books:
Others not found.

Γενική Επιθεώρησις t. 1-2 (3) (1892-93)
Not found.

Δελτίον της Χριστιανικής Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρίας ser. 1 (1884-2020) 
Available at:

Byzantinische Zeitschrift (1892-1914) 
Available on Hathi Trust:

Το Νέον Πνεύμα t. 1-2 (1893-94)
Not found.

Αγάπη t. 1-5 (1893-97)
Not found.

Αστραπή t. 1, nos. 1-7, t. 2, nos. 121 (1894-95)
Not found.

Νέα Ελλάς t. 1-2 (1894-96)
1896 available at:
Other years not found.

Βυζαντινά Χρονικά t. 1-25 (1864-1927) (1962 reprint) t. 1 (26)-57 (1947-1997)
Available at Psifiothiki

Δωδώνη: Εικονογραφημένον Ηπειρωτικόν Ημερολόγιον v. 1-2 (1896-99)
1899 and 1896 available through Olympias:

Ξενοφάνης: Σύγγραμμα περιοδικόν του Συλλόγου των Μικρασιατών "Ανατολής" t. 1-6 (1896-1909)
Available at Psifiothiki.

Φιλολογική Ηχώ t. 2, 1-35 (1893-1894, 1896-1897)  
Available at:

Θρακική Επετηρίς t. 1 (1897)
Αvailable on Anemi.

Échos d’orient t. 1, no. 3-39 (1897-1942)   
Fully accessible up to t. 25 (1926) at Hathi Trust:
And fully accessible, seemingly for all years, at Persée:

Journal international d’archéologie numismatique t. 1-21 (1898-1917) 
Available on HathiTrust:

Ελληνισμός: Μηνιαία εθνική επιθεώρησις t. 1-23 (1898-1932)
1904 can be found on Google Books.

Η Τέχνη t. 1, 1-12 (1898-1899)
Not found.

Ποδηλατική και Αθλητική Επιθεώρηση της Ανατολής t. 1-2 (1898-1900).
Not found.

Εθνική αγωγή  t. 1, ser. 2 t. 1 (1898-1904)
Can be requested on Lekythos.

Αναμόρφωσις t. 1-6 (1899-1904)
Not found.

Δελτίον της εν Αλμυρώ Φιλαρχαίου Εταιρείας της Όθρυος t. 1-6 (1899-1901, 1903, 1906)  
Available at Anemi:

Προπύλαια t. 1-2 (1900-1908)
Not found.

Αρμονία t. 1-3 (1900-1902)
Available at:

Παναθήναια ser. 1 t. 1-28 (1900-1914); ser. 2 t. 1-7 nos. 1-73 (1959-1967)
t. 21-24 (roughly around 1911) available on Olympias, but this does not seem to correspond to the range we have. Others not found.

Δελτίον γεωργικόν t. 1-4 (1900-04)
Not found.

Ημερολόγιον εγκυκλοπαιδικόν t. 1-21 (1901-24)
1911 is on Medusa: and other scattered years (1902, 1906, 1921) are there as well. Others not found.

Πινακοθήκη t. 1-23, 25 nos. 1-290 (1901-26)
Available at:

Έρευνα t. 1-7 (1901-14)
Not found.

Ο Διόνυσος t. 1-2 nos. 1-6 (1901)
Not found.

Μουσείον: εικονογραφημένον t. 1 (1901)
Not found. 

Φυλλίς t. 1-2 (1901-03)
Not found.

Ανατολή t. 1 arith. 1-12
Can be requested at Lekythos.

Αρκαδική επετηρίς t. 1-2 (1903-07)
1903 can be found on Google Books (appears with a title search in Google; URL is very long); otherwise not found

Ο Νουμάς t. 1-23 (1903-1924, 1929-1931)
Available at:

Νέα Ζωή (1904-1915, 1922-1925, 1927)
Available at:

Χωρογραφία της Ελλάδος v. 1 (1903)
On Anemi:

Επιστημονική επετηρίς t. 1-18 (1903-)
Not found.

Athènes-exposition; organe officiel de l'Exposition internationale d'Athènes 1903
Not found.

Ακρίτας t. 1-4 (1904-06)
Not found.

Η εικονογραγημένη μηνιαία πανελλήνιος επιθεώρησις t. 1-17 (1904-29)
Έτος Ι’, αριθ. 109-120 (1913-14) are on Psifiothiki; other dates not found.

Νέα Σίων
t. 1-2 (1904-05), t. 4-12 (1906-12), t. 27 (1932), t. 34 (1939), t. 38-39 (1943-44), t. 41 (1946), t. 45-53 (1950-58)
Many issues from 1905-14 are on Psifiothiki; others not found.

L’Hellenisme t. 6-8 (1904-)
Not found.

Νέος Ελληνομνήμων t. 1-21 (1904-1927)
Available at:

Πανελλήνιον λεύκωμα t. 1 (1905)
Not found.

Ημερολόγιον του έτους… εθνικά φιλανθρωπικά καταστήματα εν Κωνσταντινουπόλει
All years available at Psifiothiki.

Ζακύνθιον ημερολόγιον του έτους 1907
Not found.

Ελλάς : εικονογραφημένη δισεβδομαδιαία επιθεώρησις t. 1-8 nos. 1-678 (1908-15)
Not found.

Η Μελέτη t. 1-6 (1907-12)
Not found.

Μικρασιατικόν ημερολόγιον t. 1-12 (1907-18)
1907 available at:
1911 available at:
1912, ’13, ’14, and ’16 appear also to be available at Medusa. Others not found.

Αθήναι, εφημερίς καθημερινή t. 1-4 (1907-12)
All of 1908 is on Psifiothiki. Others not found.

Μακεδονικόν ημερολόγιον t. 1-6 (1908-13)
1908-12 available at: (in the list titled “Livres/Revues/journaux grecs rares”)

Ημερολόγιον εμπορικόν και φιλολογικόν 1909
Not found.

Βυζαντίς: επιθεώρησις των βυζaντιaκών σπουδών t. 1-2 (1909-11)
Not found.

Φαρος. εικονογραφημένον περιοδικόν δια παίδας και εφήβους t. 1 arith. 1-8 t. 1-4 arith. 1-20 (1909-12)
Not found.

Ζωή: μηνιαία φιλολογική επιθεώρησις t. 1 (1909)
Not found.

Ο Αριστοτέλης t. 1 nos 1-10 (1910-11); t. 7-10 (1963-64)
Not found.

Πολιτική επιθεώρησις ser. 2 t. 1 nos. 1-74 (1915-1917); ser. 4 t. 14 (1945-1946)
Not found.

Απ΄ όλα t. 1-2 nos. 1-107 (1910-12)
Not found. 

Ο εικονογραφημένος Παρνασσός t. 1-5 nos. 1-258 (1910-15)
Not found.

Ερανιστής t. 1 nos. 1-10 (1910)
Not found.

Ο Καλλιτέχνης t. 1-4 (1912-14)
Not found.

Izviestiia na Bulgarskoto arkheologichesko druzhestvo t. 1-7 (1910-20)
Not found.

Αρχαιολογική εφημερίς ser. 3; ser. 4 (1862, 1869-1870, 1872-1874, 1910-1926)
Available at:

Δίπυλον 1910-12
Can be requested at Lekythos.

Γράμματα [Λογοτεχνικόν περιοδικόν εκδιδόμενον εις την Αλεξάνδρειαν] t. 1-5 (1911-21)
Not found.

Φώς. Μηναίον φιλολογικόν περιοδικόν t. 1 (1911)
Not found.

Μαστίγιον Κυπριακόν σατυρικόν φύλλον t. 1-11 (1911-21)
Not found.

Χιακά χρονικά t. 1-6 (1911-)
Teuch. A (1911) available at:

Felix Ravenna ser. 3 fasc. 29 (1959), fasc. 34 (1962), ser. 4 v. 113-156 (1977-2000)
Not found.

Δελτίο του Εκπαιδευτικού ομίλου t. 1-11 (1911-)
t. 3-11 available at: Link no longer works.

Αιολικός αστήρ t. 1-2 (1911-)
Can be requested at Lekythos.

Χριστιανική Κρήτη  t. 1 -2  (1911-)
Available on Anemi.

Χιακόν Ημερολόγιον t. 1 (1911-)
Not found.

Εικονογραφημένον Επτανησιακόν ημερολόγιον ιστορικόν, χρονογραφικόν και ευθυμογραφικόν του έτους 1913 1912
Not found.

Κριτική και ποίηση t. 1 (1915-19)
1915 available at Psifiothiki; others not found.

Εθνικός κήρυξ t. 2 (1916), 4-15 (191829), 17-18 (1931-32)
Not found.

Αρχαιολογικόν δελτίον t. 1- (1915-).
Not found.

Αδελφοσύνη t. 1-2 (1916-18).
Not found.

Νέος αιών t. 1-2 (1917-19)
Not found.

Γρηγόριος ο Παλαμάς t. 1-58 (1917-75)
1917-20 available on Psifiothiki.

Ναυτική επιθεώρησις t. 1-98 (1917-73)
Not found.

Ο λόγος t. 1-4 (1918-22)

Available at:
t. 1:

t. 2:

t. 3:

t. 4:

Βωμός t. 1 (1918-19)

Can be requested on Lekythos.

Το Μέλλον επιθεώρησις των πολιτικών και κοινωνικών επιστημών, μετά ναυτικού δελτίου t. 1-4 (1918-) Etos 3 (1921), teuch. 31 available at: (very poor quality)
Otherwise not found.

Η καινή διδαχή t. 1-3 (1919-20)
t. 1-3 available at Psifiothiki.

Μαύρος γάτος t. 1 (1919)
Available at Psifiothiki.

Αναμνήσεις και ελπίδες 1921
Available at:
(It is also available at Medusa)

Μαλεβός t. 1-6 (1920: Oct.-26: Sept.)
Not found.

Ο Άθος t. 1 no. 1; t. 2 no. 9 (1920-28), no. 2-4 (1930-34)
Not found.

Byzantinisch-neugriechische Jarbücher t. 1-22 (1920-84)
Full view available on HathiTrust through 1923.

Greece: Economic and commercial conditions in Greece 1919, 1956
Not found.

Αρχείον οικονομικών και κοινονικών επιστημών t. 1- 51 (1921-71)
Not found.

Η Χαραυγή του ανθρωπισμού t. 1 -3 (1921-23)
Not found.

Εθνικόν ημερολόγιον χρονογραφικόν, φιλολογικόν και γελοιογραφικόν του έτους 1921
Not found.

Συριανόν ημερολόγιον 1922
Not found.

Ημερολόγιον της Μεγάλης Ελλάδος 1922-36
Available at:

Θησαυρός, εβδομαδιαίον εγκυκλοπαιδικόν περιοδικόν Arith. 2-75 (1922 -24)
Not found.

Izvestiia na Bulgarskiia arkheologicheski institut t. 1-16 (1921-50)
Not found.

Εκκλησία t. 4, 6-18, 22-56 (1926, 1928-40, 1945-79)
Not found.

Θεολογία t. 1-63 (1923-present)
Available at:

Εργασία t. 1-2 (1923-25)
Not found.

Πρακτικα συνεδρίων του έτους 1924- 1924-51, 1956, 196167, 1969
Not found.

Byzantion: revue international des études byzantines t. 1 (1924-) Openly accessible on JSTOR:

Επιθεώρησις της τοπικής αυτοδιοικήσεως t. 2-37 (1923-69), ser. 4 t. 1-7 (1969-75)
Not found.

Νέα εποχή t. 1-4 (1924-)
Not found.

Επετήρις t. t.1-4 (1924-1927), 7-23 (1930-1953), 26-29 (1956-1959)
Available at:

Χριστιανικόν ημερολόγιον t. 1-7 (1925-31)
Not found.

Φιλική εταιρεία,  Περιοδικό τέχνης και ελέγχου t. 1 (1925)
Not found.

Πεντανησιακή επετηρίς t. 1 (1925)
Not found.

Ανδριακόν ημερολόγιον του έτους 1925- 1925-27, 1929-30, 1964
Not found.

Μακεδονικόν ημερολόγιον t. 1-38 (1925-68), 1969, 1973
Not found.

Ημερολόγιον (πασχαλινών) του «Οδοιπορικού Συνδέσμου» t. 1-2 (1925-)
Not found.

Ο συνεταιριστές 1925-39
Not found.

Αναγέννηση t. 1-2 (1926-28)
Can be requested at Lekythos.

Νεοελληνικά γράμματα t. 1-2 (1926-28)
Not found.  

Το Φραγγέλιο t. 1-3 (1927-29)
Not found.

Πρακτικά της Ακαδημίας Αθηνών t. 1-70 (1926-95), t. 72 (1997)
The Academy of Athens digital library has these, but see website: “asterisked digital repositories are temporarily unavailable for technical reasons”

Πανδέκται νέων νόμων και διαταγμάτων t. 1-26 (1926-51)
Not found.

Ηπειρωτικά χρονικά t. 1-37 (1926-2003)
1926-46 available at Olympias:

Ελληνικἀ γρἀμματα t. 1-6 (1927-30)
Can be requested through Lekythos.

Ιόνιος ανθολογία t. 1-15 (1927-41)
Not found.

Επιστημονική επετερίς : εκδιδόμενη υπό της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής t. 1-17, 19-22 (1927-78, 1980-84)
Not found.

Νέα Εστία t. 1-152 (1927-2002)
All available in a Flash-animated format where you can digitally/physically flip the pages At Link no longer works.

Περιοδικόν δελτίον βιβλιοθήκης Κρητικού φιλολογικού συλλόγου εν Χανίοις t. 1 nos. 2-3 (1927)
Not found.

Έρευνα t. 1-13 (1927-39)
Not found.

Πνοή t. 1-2 (1928-30)
Not found.

Εγκυκλοπαιδικόν ημερολόγιον τη συνεργασία των απανταχού λογίων t. 1-5 (1928-32), 1933-34
Not found.

Ελληνικά t. 1-38 (1928-87)
Not found.

Αρχείον Πόντου t. 1 (1928)-.
Available, but with an awkward interface, at Link no longer works.

Θρακικά t. 1-47 (1928-74)
A handful of this from 1928 to the early ‘30s is on Anemi; other issues (up to ’74) are available at the following address, but not all links to the PDFs work (most do, but not those for the 2 or 3 earliest parts):

Αρχείον φιλοσοφίας και θεωρίας των επιστημών t.1-2 (1929-30), 4 (1932), 8 (1937)
Most if not all available through Olympias:

Πρωτοπορία t. 1 (1929)
Not found.

Πειθαρχία t. 1 (1929-30)
Not found.

Το Ελληνικόν έτος t. 1-2 (1929-30)
Not found.

Επετηρίς του πανεπιστημιακού έτους 1930-41, 1946-89
Available at:

Πολέμων t. 1-8 (1929-66), suppl. 1-3 (1956-58)
Not found.

Byzantinoslavicav. 1 (1929) 
Not found.

Εκδρομικά t. 1-8 (1929-36)
Available at: Link no longer works.

Δικαστή t. 1-12 (1929-40)
Not found.

Ο συνεργατισμός arith. 1-54 (1929-34)
Not found.

Στατιστική επετηρίς της Ελλάδος 1930-1, 1933-9, 1954-2010
Available at:

Ο λόγος t. 1 (1930-31)
Not found.

Επιστημονική επετηρίς : εκδιδόμενη υπό της Σχολής των Νομικών και εικονομικών Επιστημών t. 1-10, 12-17, 19-21 (1930-83)
Not found.

Les Balkans t. 1-12 (1930-40) Most or all parts of all volumes available at:

Κυνουριακά t. 1 (1930)
Not found.

Ελληνική βιβλιογραφία κατάλογος του εν τη Εθνική βιβλιοθήκη κατά νόμου κατατεθειμένων αντίτυπο 1930, t. 1-9 (1931-39)
Not found.

Τουριστική Ελλάς t. 1 (1930)
Not found.

Φιλολογική πρωτοχρονιά t. 2 -3 (1931-32)
1932 can be downloaded at:
1931 is available at:

Μεσαιωνικά γράμματα t. 1-4 (1931-39)
Not found.

Πρωτοπόροι. Ζωντανή τέχνη, κριτική, μελέτη t. 1 (1930-31)
Not found.

Ο Κύκλος. Φύλλα του λόγου και της τέχνης t. 1-4 (1931 -38), n. s. nos. 1-8 (1945-47)
Not found.

Κοσμοθεωρία t. 1 (1931)
Not found.

Ναυτικά χρονικά t. 1-10, t. 12-29 (1945-62), 1963-71, 1973
Not found.

Studi bizantini e neoellenici t. 5-10 (1931-)
Not found.

Επιστημολόγος arith. 1-36 (1932-34)
Not found.

Ρυθμός t. 1-2 (1932-34)
Not found.

Δελτίον της Ελληνικής Γεωγραφικής Εταιρείας t. 1-4 (1932-63)
Available from 1953 onward at: 1932-52 not found

Macedonia t. 1 (1932)
Not found.

Zbornik za istoriju jezik i književnost srpskog narodaknj. 1932
Not found.

Τεχνικά χρονικά t. 4 (1933)
Not found.

Λακωνικά t. 1 (1932)
Not found.

Μύσων t. 1-7 (1932-)
1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are openly available on Scribd, and they are conveniently gathered on the following page: Link no longer works.

Το μέλλον της Ύδρας t. 1-25 (1932-65)
Not found.

Κοινωνικλη λερευνα 1932
Not found.

Γενική Ελληνική βιβλιογραφία t. 1-3 (1933-)
Not found.

Ιδέα t. 1-2 (1933-34)
Incompletely available; 1933 (t. 1) can be found at:

Δημοσιεύματα Ανωτατου Οικονομικού Συμβουλίου t. 1-31 (1933-40) 
Not found.

Επετηρίς του Φοιτητικού Θεολογικού Συνδέσμου t. 1-4 (1933-37)
Not found.

Μυκονιάτικα χρονικά  1933-1956
Not found.

Σήμερα arith. 1-34/35 (1933-)
Not found.

Atti e memorie della Società Magna Grecia bizantina-medioevale t. 1 (1934)
Not found.

Το βουνό arith. 1-91 (1934-45), 1946-47
Available at: Link no longer works.

Κυπριακά γράμματα t. 1, 3, 5, 8-21 (1934-41, 1943-56)
Can be requested through Lekythos.

Βιομηχανική επιθεώρησις (1946-85, 1987-2010)
Aug. 1934 is available at:
Sept. 1934 is also available on
Others not found.

Αρχείον του Θρακικού, λαογραφικού και γλωσσικού θησαυρού t. 1-39 (1934-67)

Κεφαλληνιακά νέα t. 1 (1934)
Not found.

Έκθεσις των πεπραγμένων κατά το πανεπιστημιακόν (1933-34)
Not found.

Εφημερίς Ελλήνων νομικών t. 1-42 (1934-75)
Not found.

Αρχείον ισιωτικού δικαίου. Τριμηνιαία νομική επιθεώρησις t. 1-16 (1934-53)
Not found.

Γράμματα : Φιλολογία, τέχνη, αγωγή arith. 1-12 (1934-)
Not found.

Αθήναι t. 1-9 (1934-)
Not found.

Ακαδημία t. 1 (1935)
Not found.

Τα νέα γράμματα t. 1-7 (1935-45)
Not found.

Ελληνικά φύλλα t. 1 (1935)
Can be requested through Lekythos.

Νεοελληνικόν αρχείον t. 1 (1935), suppl. 1-3 (1935-36)
Not found.

Bulletin de l’association des amis des églises et de l’art coptes t. 1 (1935)
Not found.

Anitlari koruma kurulu t. 1 (1935)
Not found.

Orientalia christiana periodica t. 1 (1935-)
Limited/search only at HathiTrust—basically Not Found.

Αρχείον των Βυζαντινων μνημείων της Ελλάδος t. 1-12 (1935-73)
Not found.

Sobornost ser. 5 nos. 6-10 (196870), ser. no. 1; ser. 7 no. 7 (1970-78)
All issues are digitized, most available for a small fee, but some are available for free download (e.g. issue 1, June 1928) at:

Το 3ο μάτι (1935-37)
Not found.

Επετηρίς λαογραφικής καί ιστορικής εταιρείας Κυκλαδικού πολιτισμού και τέχνης t. 1 (1935)
Not found.

L’Hellénisme contemporain ser. 1 t. 1-ser. 2 v. 10 (1935 -56)
A few (6 issues altogether from the years ’39-’41) are available if one searches at:

Καπποδοκικό αρχείο η Σινασός t. 1 (1936)
Not found.

Δελτίον Αγροτικής Τράπηζας Ελλάδος t. 1-5 (1936-40)
Not found.

Bulletin de l’Association des amis et de l’art copte t. 2-3 (1936-37)
Not found.

Επιστημονική επετηρίς της Φιλοσοφικής Σχολής του Πνεπιστημίου Αθηνών t.1-2 (1925, 1935-6, 1938), 4-43 (1953-2011)
Available at:

Αρχείον Ευβοïκών μελετών t. 1-37 (1935-2007)
Not found.

Κρητικές σελίδες t. 1-3 (1936-39)
Available on Anemi.

Αγιορειτική βιβλιοθήκη t. 1, 3-6, 8-30 (1936, 1938-65)
Available at: No longer available.

Το Νέον Κράτος arith. 1-43 (1937-43)
Not found.

Πανκεφαλληνιακόν ημερολόγιον t. 1-4 (1937-47)
Not found.

Εργατική Ελλάς t. 1-4 (1937-40)
Not found.

Δρήρος t. 1-2 (1937-39)
Not found.

Το Νησί (1937-39)
Not found.

Ποντιακἀ Φύλλα t. 1-3 (1937-)
Issues 1-32 (1936-40) available at: Link no longer works.
Others not found.

Κυπριακαί σπουδαί t. 1-25, 28-42, 54-55, 5970 (1937 -61, 1964-78, 1990-91, 1995-2011)
Not found. 

Επετηρίς του πανεπιστημιακού (1936-37)
Available at Psifiothiki.

Νέα Πολιτική (1937-40)
Available on Anemi.

Ακτίνες t. 1-38 (1938-75) 
1940/41 is on Psifiothiki.
Others not found.

Επετηρίς της Ενώσεως Καλλιτεχνών t. 1 (1937)
Not found. 

Τα Προπύλαια t. 1 (1938)
Available at Psifiothiki

Η νεολαία t. 1-3 (1938-41)
Available (in an interesting and congenial format) at:

Ηώς  ser. 1 t. 1; ser. 4 t. 11 (1938-69)
Not found.

Επιστημονική Επετηρίς : Εκδιδομένη υπό της Γεωπονικής και Δασολογικής Σχολής t. 1-13, 17-20 (1938-69, 1974-77)
Not found.

The Link: A review of Mediaeval and Modern Greek nos. 1-2 (1938-39)
Not found.

Περιοδικόν του εν Χίω Συλλόγου Αργέντη t. 1-5 (1938-56)
Not found. 

Bulletin de la Société d’archéologie copte t. 4 (1938-)
Not found.

Μικρασιατικά χρονικά t. 1-24 (1938-2011)
Not found.

Επετηρίς του Μεσαιωνικού Αρχείου t. 1-9, 12, 14 (1939-59, 1962, 1964)
Not found.

Λεξικογραφικόν δελτίον t. 1 (1939-)
Not found.

Επετηρίς του Λαογραφικού Αρχείου t. 1-30 (1939-2003)
Available at:

Γαληνός t. 1-3 (1939-41)
Νοτ found.

Εγκυκλοπαιδικόν ημερολόγιον εικονογραφημένον t. 2-4 (1935-37)
1935-37 are available at Medusa

Athene: The American magazine of Hellenic thought t. 5-28 (1944-67)
Not found.

Μακεδονικά t.1-39 (1940-2012)
Available at:

Κομμουνιστική επιθεώρηση 1941-47
A communist publication, not found.

Dumbarton Oaks Papers no. 3 (1946-)
Not found.

Newsletter (Greek War Relief Association) t. 1-3 (1941-43)
Not found.

Χρονικἀ του Πόντου t. 1-2 (1943-46)
Available in a difficult-to-use form (PDFs of small chunks) at: Link no longer works.

Φιλολογική πρωτοχρονιά t. 1 (1943-)
Not found.

Études byzantines t. 1-3 (1943-45)
Available at:

Greek War Relief Newsletter t. 3-6 (1943-46)
Not found.

Φιλολογικά Χρονικά t. 1-4 (1944-46)
Νοt found.

Εταιρεία Θρακικών μελετών t. 1-6, 14-173 (1944-50, 1953-70)
Not found.

Νέα Ζωή Ζωντανή Τέχνη-Κοινωνική Επιστήμη Εκλαϊκευση arith. 1-8 (1945)
Can be requested on Lekythos.

Καλλιτεχνική Ελλάδα t. 1 (1945)
Can be requested on Lekythos.

Ελεύθερα γράμματα  ser. 1 t. 1; ser. 2 (1945-47)
Not found.

Το τετράδιο arith. 1-3 (1945)
Not found.

Μόρφωση t. 1-4 (1945-47)
Not found.

Αγγλοελληνική επιθεώρηση ser. 1 t. 1; ser. 2 t. 6-7 (1945-54)
Feb. 1948 can be found at Psifiothiki. No others found.

Ανταίος ser. 1 t. 1-2, ser. 2 t. 4-6 (1945-51)
Not found.

Σισμανόγλειον 1945
Not found.

Νέα γενιά . Οργανο του κεντρικού συμβουλίου της ΕΠΟΝ 1945
Not found.

Το φρούριον 1945
Not found.

The Bulletin of the Byzantine Institute t. 1-2 (1946-)
Not found.

Δελτίον φορολογικής νομοθεσίας t. 1-30 (1946-76)
Not found.

Επιθεώρησις οικονομικών και πολιτικών επιστημών t. 1-22 (1946-67)
Not found.

Αρχείον εκκλησιαστικού και κανονικού δικαίου t. 1-27, 29 (1946-72, 1974)
Not found.

Μικρασιατική εστία 1946
Not found.

Αρχείον Σάμου t. 1-6 (1946-62)
Not found.

Η νέα οικονομία t. 1-27 (1946-67)
Not found.

Βυζαντινά-μεταβυζαντινά t. 1 pt. 1-2 (1946-49)
Not found.

Revue des études byzantines t. 4 (1946-)
Available at Persée.

Εθνική βιβλιοθήκη arith. 1-18, 21-47, 52 (1946-)
Not found.

Παιδεία t. 1-5 (1946-51)
Not found.

Ο αιώνας μας t. 1-5 (1947-51)
Not found.

Αλεξανδρινή λογοτεχνία 1947-50, 1952-53
Not found.

Μετέωρα arith. 1-38 (1947-52)
Not found.

Hellenicana t. 1-13 (1947-61)
Not found.

La Croix t. 1-3 (1947-49)
Not found.

Δωδεκανησιακή επιθεώρησις t. 1-2 (1947-48)
Not found.

Vizantiiskii vremennik t. 1-57 (1947-97)
Not found.

Κρητικά Χρονικά t.1-14 (1947-1960)
Available at:

Ναξιακόν αρχείον t. 1, nos. 14-15 (1947-49)
Not found.

Αγωγή (1947-48)
Not found.

Επιστημονική επετηρίς [εκδιδόμενη υπό της Ανωτάτης Βιομηχανικής Σχολής] t. 1-3 (1947-58)
Not found.

Τοπική Αυτοδιοίκησις t. 1-10 (1947-51)
Not found.

Χρονικά του πειραματικού σχολείου του πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης t. 1-12 (1947-58)
Not found.

Social Welfare in Greece t. 1 no. 1 (1947)
Not found.

Report to Congress on assistance to Greece and Turkey t. 1-7 ? (1947-)
Not found.

Ποιητική τεχνή t. 1-2 (1947-51)
Not found.

Αγών επιβιώσεως t. 1-7 (1948-51)
Not found.

Ελληνική Δημιουργία t. 1-13 (1948-54)
Not found.

Battle for Survival t. 1-4 (1948-51)
Not found.

Report of the Department of Antiquities, Cyprus (1943-)
Not found.

Hellenia, the voice of Greek women nos. 1-54 (1948-76)
Not found.

Ανδριακά χρονικά arith. 1-24, 26-30, 34, 42-43 (1948-)
Not found.

Weekly Report of the ECA Mission to Greece nos. 1-11 (1949)
Not found.

Report on the UN Special Committee on the Balkans (1948-49)
Not found.

Νέοι ρυθμοί τέχνης και λόγου t. 1-2 (1949-50)
Not found.

Ελληνική Κύπρος t. 1-7 (1949-56)
Not found.

Πλάτων t. 1-57 (1949-2011)
Not found.

Αλιευτικόν δελτίον arith. 1-12, 15-16 (1949-)
Not found.

Κρητική εστία arith. 1-200, periodos 4 t. 2-14 (1949-72, 1988-2013)
Not found.

Weekly report of the ECA Mission to Greece and the American Mission for Aid to Greece nos. 1-11, 13-26 (1949)
Not found.

Επιστημονική επετηρίς της Ανώτατης Σχολής Πολιτικών Eπιστημών του Aκaδημαϊκού έτους t. 1 (1949-50)
Not found.

By R. Lindau