
UCBA Library Policies

No animals are permitted in the UCBA Library other than designated service animals.

Children under the age of 14 who are not registered UC students must be accompanied by an adult. Adults who bring children into the library are responsible for monitoring their activities and regulating their behavior. A UC ID or a valid photo ID may be required to verify age or student status. If a parent or guardian cannot be located, Campus Police may be contacted. UC Blue Ash College does not filter content from the Internet. Parents and other adult care-providers should be aware that allowing minors to have unsupervised access to electronic resources and the Internet could result in their access to information or images that parents may find inappropriate for their children. State and federal laws and university computer use regulations apply in the Libraries.

UCBA is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Criterions three and four represent overarching goals that the Library strives to meet with its collections. Please refer to the Criteria for Accreditation page on the Higher Learning Commission's web site for more information. 

The Library also endeavors to meet the Standards for Libraries in Higher Education as set forth by the Association of College & Research Libraries. The standard entitled "Resources" addresses collection development. Please refer to the Association of College & Research Libraries website for more information. 

Mission and Goals

The UC Blue Ash College (UCBA) Library is guided by its mission of empowering the UCBA community (UCBA students, faculty, staff, and affiliates) to success in a complex information environment and supporting the Vision and Core Values of the UCBA Library, the Missions and Visions of the UCBA College and the University of Cincinnati Libraries and the broader University of Cincinnati’s Mission. The collection development guidelines are coordinated with the following goals:

  • Develop a responsive, inclusive, and innovative collection that meets the growing needs, interests, and diversity of the UCBA community.
  • Promote library services and collections to the UCBA community.

In general, items which support faculty research are not purchased unless the materials are of a pedagogical nature that support the scholarship of teaching and learning at UCBA. Materials needed for faculty research can be acquired through OhioLINK, Interlibrary Loan and other UC Libraries.

Multiple copies will not be purchased except in cases of extremely high demand.

The Shared Electronic Resources Group (SERG) is charged to identify or accept recommendations concerning electronic resources that meet the established criteria to be shared university-wide. Relying, in part, on usage statistics, they will review electronic resources sponsored through SERG annually for a decision on continued subscription, cancellation, or placement on a short-term watch list as well as evaluate alternatives and budget implications of university-wide electronic resources.

The library is committed to supporting and creating a culture of appreciation of digital technologies, innovation, modernization, and continual learning. In order to provide access both on and off-campus, consideration will be given to electronic resources, if available. Individual electronic book or streaming titles will be subject to the same criteria for selection as all other resources. The library will continue to collaborate with university and outside partners on the development and implementation of recent technologies and services that re-imagine and transform the way students, faculty, researchers, and scholars interact with and use the libraries in new and creative ways. As the UCBA Library is a jurisdiction of the UC Libraries, electronic resources such as electronic books, streaming media, and databases are shared collections between all UC Libraries and thus not specific to the UCBA Library.   

In general, textbooks and other materials that students are required to buy for class use are not purchased for the collection. Textbooks may be included in the collection when they are the most suitable format for the material, (e.g. when other materials in that subject area are too specialized or when the textbook is considered a classic work). The exception to this policy is the Textbook on Reserve program where the UCBA Library accepts requests for the purchase of textbooks for Course Reserve. The UCBA Library will order only 1 copy per title and asks faculty to consider these guidelines before requesting a textbook for Reserve:

  • If the bookstore will not have the course textbook(s) in time for the start of the semester (or when students need it) or if the bookstore will not have enough copies for students.
  • If the textbook is not required for the course or is supplemental.
  • If faculty would like to make a copy of the required textbook available as a back-up when students forget to bring their copy to campus.

Instructors are encouraged to bring personal copies of textbooks for Reserve when possible. 


  • Serials: In addition to the basic criteria, consideration of serials includes:
    • Content Accessibility: Is the journal available in print or electronic format?
    • Cost: Given the long-term commitment, is the cost in line with the budget?
  • Media: In addition to the Basic Criteria for Selection of Materials, consideration of media includes:
    • Language: Materials are collected primarily in the English language, and other languages with English subtitles
    • Date: Priority is given to materials produced within the past 10 years. Older materials will be purchased only when they are classic titles or when it has been determined that a recent production does not offer the same level of coverage.
    • Format: Current titles owned in DVD/CD-ROM format may be replaced by streaming formats including, but not limited to leased or short-term access titles.
    • Accessibility: Closed Captioning, audio description, transcripts will be obtained when available.

The Library does not maintain a popular film browsing collection; however, popular films will be included in the collection as required to support the curriculum. Instructors are encouraged to provide personal copies of media for Reserve when student use is expected to be low or short-term. In addition, UC Libraries, OhioLINK and Interlibrary Loan are all available options to acquire media not owned or purchased by the Library depending on whether it is needed for individual or Reserve use.

The primary consideration for selecting materials in all formats is the relevance of the material to the educational goals of the College. This includes:

  • Relevance to general student needs: Does it support recurrent courses and/or assignments?
  • Reading and comprehension level: Is the reading and comprehension level appropriate for the students using the material?
  • High use: Is frequent use of the resource anticipated? Will it be used by a number of students?
  • Quality/Merit: Has the work received favorable reviews? Was it recommended favorably by UCBA faculty or staff?
  • Reputable source: What are the qualifications and reputation of the author, editor, or producer? Is the publisher reputable?
  • Timeliness or Lasting value: Does the resource provide current information? Will the item have lasting value?
  • Inclusivity: Is the item inclusive of diverse groups and identities (e.g. race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, religion) and does so in a manner that recognizes, affirms, and values individuals, families, and communities.
  • Access: Is the item available for delivery through the Library Catalog or OhioLINK? Is the item needed for immediate access in the UCBA Library?
  • Scarcity of materials: Is the item needed to strengthen a weak area of the collection? Are materials on this subject matter scarce?
  • Objectivity or Viewpoint: Is the content unbiased? Does it contribute towards a balanced collection of a controversial subject?
  • Cost: Is the price in line with the cost of similar materials in that subject area? Does the budget allow for purchase of the item? Paperback volumes are generally preferred for library use when both formats are available because of the significant savings in the cost of the materials. However, if the material is expected to be widely used and durability is a concern, then the hardcover edition may be preferable.
  • Format: Is the request available in an electronic format which will be accessible on and off-campus? If so, is the request available with a multi-user format ensuring the greatest availability of access?

Every published work has unique purpose and content. Therefore, the weight of each selection criterion varies according to its applicability to the publication.

  • Relevance to general student needs: Does the subject support student information needs beyond classroom instruction (e.g. financial aid, career resources)
  • Relevance to pedagogical needs: Does the material support the scholarship of teaching and learning at UCBA?
  • Style and treatment: Is the style and handling of the subject matter appropriate for academic use? Is the treatment scholarly? Technical? Popular?

The Library Director has ultimate responsibility for the management and development of the collection. The Director assigns subject areas to the library faculty, oversees assessment of the collection, and has final approval of purchases.

Developing and maintaining a pertinent collection requires input from faculty and staff. Faculty provide subject expertise and promote student use of the collection through research assignments. Staff offer an understanding of students’ non-scholastic needs and have opportunities to encourage students seeking information to use library resources. The College faculty and staff are encouraged to make recommendations in their respective areas of expertise. These recommendations are subject to the Criteria for Selection of Materials (see below) guidelines. 

Our collection development policy aligns with American Library Association (ALA) guidance as we endeavor to build a collection that supports, and is reflective of, our diverse community. In addition to collection development, the library faculty, with input from subject discipline faculty, engage in ongoing collection assessment to maintain a collection that is reflective of our diverse community. This assessment includes reviewing the collection for inclusion of diverse viewpoints, identifying and removing potential barriers to access, and ensuring accurate and authoritative content. Please refer to the Criteria for Selection section of the Collection Development Policy and ALA’s page Evaluating Library Collections for more information.

Types of Materials (print and electronic) Collected by the Library:  

  • Books 
  • Serials 
  • Newspapers 
  • Media (DVD, CD, CD-ROM, streaming) 

The library faculty, working with the Collection Services Manager are responsible for developing, assessing, and maintaining collections in their assigned subject areas and serve as liaisons to designated academic departments. Please refer to the Library Liaison Program page for more information. 

The UCBA Library builds its collection with an understanding of its relationship to other University of Cincinnati Libraries as well as to the State of Ohio's institutional collections, as represented in OhioLINK.

The UCBA Library collection is a part of the shared OhioLINK central catalog, the statewide catalog made up of the library collections of OhioLINK members throughout the State. While developing its own collection, UCBA participates in building statewide collections. This includes an understanding of the sharing of materials cooperatively in the State. The agreement allows UC users access to the same collections. Access is available to a broad array of resources purchased centrally and available electronically through OhioLINK.


The UCBA Library supports the educational and research needs of the UCBA community. The students constitute the Library’s primary clientele and their scholastic needs are the first consideration for materials selection. The Library also recognizes the important needs of faculty and staff as they share in the goal of serving the student population. The Library therefore provides pedagogical materials that support the scholarship of teaching and learning in alignment with the goals and mission of UCBA. Consistent with the College’s welcoming attitude towards the community, the Library’s collection is accessible to the public. However, the UCBA Library selection process is not guided by community information needs, which are met by the Cincinnati & Hamilton County Public Library.

As part of an ongoing collection maintenance and assessment process, library faculty, in coordination with the Collection Services Manager, identify materials to remove from the collection based on content, currency, relevance to curriculum, access and condition. During this process, library faculty may consult liaison department faculty to make a final determination.

Print and Media Resources Deselection

Items are deselected as part of an ongoing assessment process.

Serials Deselection

The Collection Services Manager and library faculty coordinate an annual process to review serials for content, currency, relevance to curriculum, and accessibility.

Electronic Resources Deselection

This is a shared collection of resources between all UC Libraries. The cross-jurisdictional Shared Electronic Resources Group (SERG) reviews shared electronic resources and provides recommendations to the Library Director’s Council.

Replacement Copies

The replacement of outdated, damaged, or missing items will be considered on an individual basis in accordance with the stated Criteria for Selection of Materials guidelines.

Free inquiry and free access to ideas are fundamental rights upon which the educational process is established. In support of intellectual and academic freedom, the Library is guided by the American Library Association’s: 

Individuals or groups wishing to challenge the inclusion of material in the UCBA Library are asked to follow the outlined procedure: 

  1. The complainant shall submit their complaint in writing and include the following information: name, contact information, title and author of resource, and nature of concern. This request should be submitted to the UCBA Library Director.  
    Library Director  
    UC Blue Ash College  
    9555 Plainfield Road  
    Cincinnati, Ohio 45236  
  2. The UCBA Library Director shall make a written response to the complainant indicating the action to be taken. 

The UCBA Library complies with all of the provisions of the U.S. Copyright Law (17 U.S.C.) and its amendments. The Library supports the Fair Use section of Copyright Law (17 U.S.C. § 107), which permits and protects citizens' rights to reproduce and make other uses of copyrighted works for the purposes of teaching, scholarship, and research.

The Library will accept donations on a limited basis.

To determine if your donated material is appropriate for the curriculum, please refer to the list of the UCBA Academic Departments & Programs listed on the UCBA website. Provide a list of the donation items to the Library’s Collection Services Manager, and the appropriate library faculty selector will determine which donations, if any, will be accepted and added to the collection.

Materials Not Accepted

  • Textbooks (unless for current Course Reserves)
  • Damaged materials
  • Periodicals and serials (e.g. journals, magazines, newspapers)
  • Media (e.g. music CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes, audio books)

Monetary Donations & Special Placement of Materials

Monetary donations may be made to the UC Foundation for the benefit of the UCBA Library. We are not able to honor requests that donated materials be placed in a special collection or area of the Library.


All materials donated to the UCBA Library become the property of the Library. Materials that meet the stated Criteria for Selection of Materials guidelines will be added to the collection. The UCBA Library reserves the right to remove these materials from the collection.

Acknowledgement of Gifts/Donations

A brief letter of acknowledgement will be provided as a receipt upon request, although we will not individually list the donated materials. We are not able to provide tax information or appraisals. Please refer to the Internal Revenue Service for publications and forms.

In the event of fire, severe weather, power outages, or other emergency situations, library staff and/or a public emergency announcement will alert building occupants to the procedures for evacuation or taking shelter. All fire alarms require immediate exit by all building occupants.

Disruptive behavior that unreasonably interferes with the use and enjoyment of the library by students, faculty and staff of the University or other users is prohibited. Examples include:

  • Creating unreasonable noise.
  • Harassment of others, including verbal or physical attack or other conduct with intent to annoy other users.
  • Odor constituting a nuisance or health and safety concern.
  • Bringing in personal belongings not essential to the research undertaking (bedrolls, carts, frame backpacks, large duffel bags, bicycles).
  • Behavior that unreasonably disturbs others or interferes with the appropriate use of the facility, including inappropriate sexual behavior.

Students exhibiting disruptive behavior will be warned and based upon the severity of the behavior may be asked to leave the library. Students will be provided with a copy of the Code of Conduct and informed that their behavior is not acceptable. Identification may be requested by library staff, and the Office of Academic Affairs at UCBA may be contacted.

See the UC Student Code of Conduct for policy details related to student behavior on all UC campuses.

Authorized Users

  • UCBA faculty, staff, students and members of the community.
  • Currently enrolled UCBA students have priority over other users.

Library Computer Usage

  • Academic research and coursework have priority over recreational use.
  • Computers are first-come, first-serve and cannot be reserved.
  • Headphones must be used for any audio listening while in the UCBA Library open study spaces. Audio devices should be played at a reasonable level that does not disturb others. Headphones are available for checkout at the Library Information Desk with acceptable ID.

Software and Equipment

  • Connection of personal equipment (not including storage devices or headphones) is prohibited.
  • Users must comply with all relevant licenses and software contracts regarding computer resources.
  • Abuse or mishandling of library computer equipment is prohibited.


  • Users must follow all UCBA policies, including the prohibition of disruptive behavior. Users must obey all relevant federal, state and local laws; rules and regulations of the University; the Student Code of Conduct; and the Acceptable Use of Electronic Information Resources Policy. These include laws concerning copyright, privacy, obscenity and child pornography, and University policies against sexual and racial harassment.
  • Users violating the Library Computer Policy will be asked to stop any disruptive behavior immediately and/or leave the computer workspace. Serious and continuous violations are subject to referral to Campus Security and may result in the loss of library computer privileges.

UC students, faculty, and staff may film/photograph for academic use in the library provided that they do not photograph users without permission or cause a disruption, including blocking fire exits, aisles, and patron access to material and the facility.

Others wishing to film/photograph in the libraries (i.e. the Media) must be approved to do so by the Library Director, 513-558-9385, provided no users are photographed without permission and no disturbance is created.

Food and beverages in securely covered containers are permitted in the UCBA Library. Please dispose of all trash and leave study areas and tables clean for the next person.

Use extra care at the computers. If you spill anything, please clean up and notify the Information Desk if you need assistance.

The University of Cincinnati Blue Ash (UCBA) College Library provides information literacy teaching support for incorporating the research process and library resources into courses. This policy is in effect until further notice. 

Information Literacy

Library faculty provide a range of online and in person information literacy teaching support and content for First Year Experience, General Education, and Program courses.  Content is available on the Information Literacy Course Content Guide, is customizable based on course, and can be incorporated into Canvas. One time library instruction sessions are limited and based on outcome of consultation between library faculty instructor and faculty/course instructor. Requests for custom content will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. 

General Library Orientation

For general library orientation and/or help in using library resources, refer students to the following online resources which can be incorporated into Canvas:

Non-Classroom Teaching Support

For library-related assignments and activities, contact your library faculty liaison to discuss the availability of resources and research support. Note: We request that entire classes are not brought to the library to limit possible disruption, and due to limited staffing, the inability to support a number of students in a short period of time. 

Approved: August 12, 2020 Updated: October 4, 2021

Misuse of library materials, equipment, facilities, and furniture is prohibited. The following are examples of prohibited actions:

  • Destruction, mutilation, misuse or defacement of any library materials, furniture, or facilities
  • Damaging of hardware or equipment
  • Tampering with software or changing equipment settings

Users misusing or stealing library material, equipment, facilities, or furniture will be reported immediately to the UCBA Safety & Security Office, M134.

All library transactions, such as check-outs or picking up a study room key, at the Information Desk require a valid photo ID (UC ID or Driver's License or State/Federal Issued ID).

While using the library, a UC ID or a valid photo ID may be requested to verify age, status, or affiliation.

The UCBA Library allows posting and distribution of materials by UCBA faculty, staff, and student groups for announcements of dated UCBA and UC events and activities.

The following applies to all public bulletin boards or other areas used for distributing materials:

  1. All materials must be reviewed and approved by library staff. Notices posted or left on tables without authorization will be removed and recycled.
  2. The library reserves the right to restrict the size, number, and location of display materials.
  3. Posting of materials does not imply library endorsement or consent; nor will the library accept responsibility for the accuracy of the statements made in such materials.

UC Blue Ash (UCBA) College Library promotes and supports the research needs of the UCBA community, ranging from basic inquiries to advanced research consultations, by:

  • Adhering to the American Library Association's Professional Ethics.
  • Providing accurate, timely, and efficient research assistance.
  • Providing tools in a variety of formats to help users identify items in the collection relevant to their interests and needs.
  • Teaching users how to find, access, use and evaluate materials and helping users to develp skills in order to conduct their own research effectively.
  • Refering users to other libraries, collections or experts when necessary.
  • Integrating the research process and library resources into courses. See the UC Blue Ash Library Instruction Policy for more information.
  • Developing and maintaining an up-to-date, relevant and readily accessible collections. See the UC Blue Ash Library Collection Development Policy for more information.

Services to Non-University Users

The UCBA Library is open to the general public with priority given to UC students, staff and faculty. Non-UC users will be referred to public libraries or their own organizations when appropriate. 

Ways to Get Help

Approved: November 1, 2010; Last update: August 29, 2018; Last review: August 19, 2022

Soliciting patrons or library staff for any purpose is prohibited. Questions regarding these rules may be directed to the Library Director, Heather Maloney, at 513-558-9385 or via email.

Study space and computer workstations are at a premium in the UCBA Library. We ask that you respect your fellow students and the demand for these spaces by not leaving your items unattended when you leave the library for longer than 15 minutes. Please keep the following in mind:

  • Leave your items unattended at your own risk. The UCBA Library is not responsible for the loss or theft of personal property.
  • UCBA Library Reserve items found unattended will be collected and checked in. Leaving UCBA laptops unattended will result in loss of borrowing privileges.
  • Items left unattended in a library study room for longer than 15 minutes maybe removed and sent to the Safety and Security Office in Muntz 134.