
Digital Scholarship

The Health Sciences Library supports digital scholarship and research at the University of Cincinnati and beyond through teaching, research, provision and support of new technologies, data management assistance and consultation, the development of a next generation repository, and preservation and curation of digital collections.

Digital Labs [original link path:]

UC Libraries (UCL) provides many innovative spaces for collaborative research. View a list of our digital commons and computer labs, including available hardware and software.

Informatics Support [original link path:]

Consult with a member of our informationist team about data management, grant assistance, health informatics, data sets, bioinformatics, and new classes and workshops.

Research Data Management Services [original link path:]

Learn about all aspects of research data management and schedule a consultation for help with a data management plan or other related data management needs.

Repositories [original link path:]

Check out UCL's current repositories and learn about our next-generation repository coming soon. Use one of these repositories for your data curation needs.

Digital Collections [original link path:]

Access UCL's extensive digital collections for research or contact the digital collection team about digitization efforts.