
Inclusive Excellence

As stated in our Strategic Framework, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is a Guiding Principle.

DEI is our guiding force. It infuses our daily work and interactions with all whom we come in contact. We value, celebrate and promote DEI in our workforce and in the communities we serve. Our services, resources and collections should reflect the diversity of the world and highlight marginalized and previously unseen communities – and where we fall short, we will work to do better.

DEI efforts take place throughout UC Libraries and are championed by many people. This page is a resource and highlight of the various DEI initiatives and news from UC Libraries.

People & Groups focusing on DEI

Regina Bourne, Director, Inclusion, Diversity & Organizational Development

  • Implementation of the Multicultural Organizational Development Plan and activities where Libraries can build and maintain a sense of belonging, agency, enhanced cultural competency and a culture of accountability 
  • Serves as UC Libraries liaison to the Office of Equity, Inclusion & Community Impact
  • Coordinates UC Libraries involvement with the university's broad urban community engagement initiatives

Debbie Tenofsky, Accessibility Librarian

Subject Librarians in areas of DEI


RESPECT (Racial Equity Support Programming to Educate the Community Team) has as its charge to use library resources to expand programming and resources that provide library users with the tools to understand systemic racism in order to begin dismantling it.

2023/2024 RESPECT Members:

  • Nimisha Bhat, co-chair
  • Sidney Gao, co-chair
  • Susan Banoun
  • Sean Crowe
  • Lisa Haitz
  • Olga Hart
  • Meni Johnson
  • Melissa Cox Norris, ex-officio
  • Regina Bourne, administrative liaison

Research Resources

Land Acknowledgement

We respectfully acknowledge that we are on the traditional, ancestral lands of the Ni-u-kon-ska (Osage), Ani'-Yun'wiya (Cherokee), Myaamia (Miami), Lenape (Delaware), and Shawandasse (Shawnee) Nations. These peoples, in addition to the ancient Adena and Hopewell cultures, lived and thrived here before being subjected to forcible removal and genocide. As we reflect on the Nations whose land we appropriated, it is also critical to acknowledge that Native peoples are still here. The legacy of displacement and subjugation disproportionally affects Native communities and families as they continue to fight for the sovereignty of their Nations and the retention of their tribal lands.   

Learning our land’s history is not enough. A shared commitment to learning about and supporting Native nations, organizations, and causes is also an important way to acknowledge the land on which our city was built and the Native peoples who were displaced from it. Further, we acknowledge the institutional, socioeconomic, physical, psychological and emotional wounds and inequalities that remain in existence as a result of these inhumane and reprehensible crimes.

DEI in Library News