Molly Gullett
2012-2013 Internship Project
[Insert photo of Molly]My name is Molly Gullett and I worked to process the SWOFC for the 2012-2013 academic year. I study History at the University of Cincinnati and will graduate in the spring of 2013. Upon my arrival to UC almost four years ago, I was fortunate to have received work in the Preservation Department of Langsam Library. There, my passion for historical objects, material culture and preservation flourished and my interest in rare books was born. In the fall of 2012, I was able to contribute to the organization and processing of the Southwest Ohio Folklore Collection.
I feel blessed to have been able to work in the ARB Library, as it continues to widen my view of the vast array of careers available involving rare and archival materials. I also thoroughly enjoyed being able to personally read through much of the collection and expand my knowledge of folkloristics. This opportunity has influenced the way I view the study of history and has influenced the way that I perceived culture and human interaction.
Upon graduation in the spring, I plan to travel to various countries in Europe and pick up interesting experiences along the way as well as explore what avenue of preservation-oriented study I will pursue in Graduate School.