
HSL Services for Faculty

HSL librarians and staff can support Academic Health Center Faculty with research, teaching and learning. We provide various resources to support your roles.

Explore resoures by type or use the buttons below to request instruction or assistance.

There are college specific guides (see below). Librarians can consult with faculty to create course-specific guides as well.

Library instructional videos are available in the Library Media Space. Librarians can work with faculty to create additional videos to address course-specific needs.

Librarians offer a variety of workshops from database searching to creating poster presentations. Current offerings can be viewed and registered for at OneStop. Like other services, specific workshop topics can be requested.

Similar to libguides, Canvas modules can be created for specific courses. The library currently has modules on:

  • Choosing a Citation Manager
  • How to: PubMed in 30 minutes
  • Plagiarism: Why it Should Matter to You
  • Embase: Learn the basics FAST
  • Evidence Based Medicine and Searching with PICO
  • Advanced Searching -- Learn the Tricks Librarians Use!
These modules are available in the Canvas Commons and can be imported and adjusted to meet the needs of your students.

New faculty? Or not sure where to start? Contact your liaison librarian or explore the HSL New Faculty libguide.