
Sydney Vollmer

2015-2017 Internship Projects

[Insert photo of Sydney]After completing the “Culture of Books and Reading” Honors seminar and a study tour to Edinburgh, Sydney Vollmer began working in the Archives & Rare Books Library as a student assistant in the spring of 2015. She became the ARB intern for the 2015-2016 academic year and was again awarded the internship for the 2016-2017 academic year. She graduated from the University of Cincinnati in 2017 with a bachelor’s degree in marketing from the Lindner College of Business.

With the quadricentennial of William Shakespeare’s death in 2016, Sydney spent the largest part of her first internship appointment creating a website that provided detailed information on one of the University of Cincinnati’s first major library collections, the Enoch T. Carson Shakespearian Collection, purchased and donated by William A. Procter in 1895. In addition to documenting the Carson holdings for the website, she also created an exhibit of UC’s elaborate commemoration of the Shakespeare tercentenary in 1916. Over the course of the next two years, Sydney researched and wrote a number of informative blogs about Shakespeare’s plays and characters, and, modern interpretations of the works.

Besides the Shakespeare work, Sydney created other new websites that highlight ARB’s collections and UC’s heritage with the Cincinnati community: the UC-Spring Grove connections, the history and lore of bookselling, the Virginius C. Hall Jacobite Collection, and The Irish in Cincinnati. For the latter, her work involved her enrollment in “The Irish in America” Honors seminar with a study tour to Ireland, with showcasing the work of students in the seminar that utilized the digitized 19th and early 20th centuries death records of Irish Cincinnatians. This student work represented research in these primary sources that had never been done before.

All of Sydney’s work was created with the aim of sustainability, inviting future additions and enhancements to the content.