
Program Description

Established in 1979 by President Henry R. Winkler in compliance with Section 149.33 of The Ohio Revised Code and administered through the University Archives in the Archives and Rare Books Library, the program is guided by the following objectives:

  • To promote the administrative efficiency at the University by removing inactive or obsolete records from offices.
  • To protect the University by ensuring compliance with all internal, state, and federal policies regarding the creation and disposition of University records.
  • To ensure that all documents of administrative or historical value are rightfully preserved through transfer to the University Archives.

The program provides the following for the University:

  • Records will be maintained in their respective office only as long as is necessary which will relieve files of space-consuming non-current documents and improve access to current records.
  • Records Retention Schedules for each University department identifying and protecting vital records.
  • Assistance and advisement on filing systems, alternative record formats (imaging and micrographics), and email.
  • Annual review of Records Retention Schedule.