
General Records Schedule

What is the General Records Schedule?

The University of Cincinnati General Records Schedule (GRS) applies to common records created and maintained by university colleges, divisions, departments, and offices. The GRS is intended to reduce the need for individual department or college-based record retention schedules, and to provide consistent guidance for records maintenance and disposition across the University.

Some areas of the University will continue to use unique local retention schedules in combination with the GRS. For more information on this, please see the FAQ.   

Access the General Records Schedule

The link above will take you to the most recent version of the General Records Schedule. The schedule was last updated in June 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have questions about using the new General Records Schedule? Please see the FAQ.

Disposition (Destruction or Transferring Records to University Archives)

Do you have questions about transferring or disposing of records? Please see the information on Bearcats Landing.