
UC Board Rule on Records Management

Records: records creation and retention requirements, 10-43-10

  1. The university of Cincinnati has adopted this rule for establishing and administering its records program in order to apply efficient and economical management methods to the creation, utilization, maintenance, retention, preservation, and disposition of its records. The program shall be administered by the archives and rare books department of the university libraries ("university archives"), which shall have authority to develop administrative procedures and guidelines to implement this rule.

  2. "Records" includes any document, device, or item, regardless of physical form or characteristic, that is created or received by or comes under the jurisdiction of the university and which serves to document the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of the university.
  3. "Non-record materials" are documents, devices, or items in the university's custody that do not meet the above definition because they are not needed to document the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of the university. Examples include rough notes and drafts which do not contain any information that needs to be preserved, or which merely duplicate information that is being preserved in other documents that are records; extra copies of documents kept only for reference; stocks of publications and processed documents; and library or museum materials intended solely for reference or exhibition. Personal records of employees that are clearly marked as such and not intermingled with university records, and third parties' records which are temporarily in the custody of the university but do not serve to document the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of the university are also excluded from the definition of records. Paragraph (e) of this rule does not apply to non-record materials, which may be retained or discarded in the discretion of the employees who create or receive them.
  4. University employees shall make such records as are necessary for the adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the university and for the protection of the legal and financial rights of the state and persons directly affected by the university's activities. The creation of unnecessary and duplicative records should be avoided.
  5. University records shall be retained for such period as is required by retention schedules established by the university archives, and may be disposed of only in accordance with disposition instructions issued by the university archives. Removal, destruction, mutilation, alteration, transfer, or other disposition of university records except as authorized by this rule is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action.
  6. Each vice president or other officer having custody of university records shall appoint one or more persons to administer the records in his or her custody in accordance with the requirements of this rule. Each person so appointed shall cooperate with the university archives in preparing an inventory of such records and shall be responsible for complying with the administrative procedures and guidelines that are established to implement this rule.

Effective Date: December 16, 1999

Certified by: Virginia L. Steiner

Certification Date: November 24, 1999

Promulgated under: R.C. Section 111.15

Rule amplifies: R.C. 121.211; R.C. 149.011; R.C. 149.33; R.C. 149.35; R.C. 149.351; R.C. 3361.03