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Need help finding resources or using a library service? Just ask us! You can get your questions answered at any of our desks, or by personal appointment, phone, or email.

Ask a Reference Question
Use this form for brief, factual reference questions such as historical facts and dates, checking bibliographic citations, dates, etc.

Contact a librarian for subject-specific reference questions and consultations.

Call (513) 556-1424 (the Desk@Langsam) or your college or departmental library.  

UCBA Librarians are available in-person (Muntz 113), by phone (513-745-5710) and by email. We reply to email and form questions within one day, Monday-Friday​ 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.  

The Clermont College Library provides research assistance on a walk-in basis (120 Edith Peters-Jones building), as well as by appointment, in-person, and online.

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