
Research & Data Resources

There are many resources at UC (within the library and through other UC offices) that can help you plan and execute your research project.  If you have questions about the resources, please contact Research and Data Services at AskData@UC.Edu or the specific contact listed with the resource.

The resources in this section are for when you are beginning to plan your project.  It is best to start conversations early especially if you want to collaborate.  
Resources in this section are also important for the beginning of the project and may need to be included in a grant applicaiton (e.g. the data management plan).  
These resources may be referenced in the data management plan and come in use when you are actively working in the project.
Finding Data 
Data Capture, Sharing, and Storage Tools

High Performance Computing 



Statistical Support

Many funders may require you to share your data at the end of a project.  It is best to do so in a hands off manner such as in a repository with good metadata and accessible through standard protocols such as internet searches.  
Similar to sharing or publishing data, sharing other research output can help increase the impact of your work.  These are additional resources for sharing your output.