Staying Positive: Winning, Living, and Thriving with HIV.

Morris Singletary, born February 22, 1977 was raised an only child to a single mother in Atlanta, GA. Morris is a man of Christian faith and he is a 42 year member of Salem Bible Church, where he is also extremely in several ministries but most noted the music ministry. His education includes Atlanta Public School, Fulton County Schools, and Clayton County Schools, and the Dillard University.

In 2006 Morris made a friend a promise after having several health challenges to go get a check up. It was at this time that Morris was diagnosed with HIV. The devastating news was not handled well. Morris went through many personal and health battles for the first 10 years of his diagnosis. THRIVE SS founder, Larry Scott-Walker, added him to this support group and from that point life got better. December 2, 2016, Morris went live on Facebook with #HIVandME. Today that live is a nonprofit. The poZItive2poSItive Initiative, initiated by Morris, works to Keep HIV- people Negative, and to make sure those who are living with HIV are engaged or get re-engaged into care by initiatives that are fun while educating. Morris serves as a community leader and voice for those living with HIV. In 2020, Morris was appointed to Chairman of Metro Atlanta Ryan White Planning Council. Morris is an ardent peer advocate as he works to educate and uplift those living with HIV/AIDS, and those who provide support for the community. 

Workshop Objectives 

  1. Explain the importance of cultural humility and the role it plays in addressing stigma and building better relationships with consumers and health care providers.
  2. Name strategies for confronting HIV-related stigma
  3. Explain several different ways that people living with HIV/AIDS can advocate for themselves
  4. Identify community support and prevention services for those living with HIV/AIDS and/or at high risk for contracting HIV/AIDS